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detachment from Buddhism

ZendoLord84ZendoLord84 Veteran
edited July 2012 in Philosophy
I sit daily,
sometimes more,
Try to live respectfully by the five precepts, the noble truths and the eight-fold path,
Read a book once in a while about life/how to become a ' better' man,
Try to become a ' better' man,

that's my practice. I found most of .....this....
discussions about bugs and porn and buddhist movies and

dunno just want to share,


  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    different conditions = different interests.

    the world does not revolve around you. =]

    on another note. why do you want to become a better man?

    just curious.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    My Zen teacher, Kyudo Nakagawa Roshi, once observed, "Except for me, everything is the teacher."
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    the fact you find it irrelevant still means you care enough about it to label it as irrelevant... the word you should use is 'indifferent'.
    When you are completely neutral and indifferent to all matters discussed here (And why, after all, are you here....?) then you will be a 'better man'.
    Until then - join the club! :D
  • different conditions = different interests.

    the world does not revolve around you. =]

    on another note. why do you want to become a better man?

    just curious.
    the end the cylce of suffering, reach nirvana, help others in reaching it too,

    why are you a buddhist?
    the fact you find it irrelevant still means you care enough about it to label it as irrelevant... the word you should use is 'indifferent'.
    When you are completely neutral and indifferent to all matters discussed here (And why, after all, are you here....?) then you will be a 'better man'.
    Until then - join the club! :D
    I like your new avatar a lot better :)

    I'm here because I choose to be.

    No more to say about that.

    I'm not a 'better man', i'm just a plain awesome man.

    most awesome. to be even more correct.

  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    edited July 2012
    the fact you find it irrelevant still means you care enough about it to label it as irrelevant... the word you should use is 'indifferent'.
    When you are completely neutral and indifferent to all matters discussed here (And why, after all, are you here....?) then you will be a 'better man'.
    Until then - join the club! :D
    So Buddhism is about holy indifference? (or maybe I'm reading too much into the word)
  • yes you are
  • image
  • SattvaPaulSattvaPaul South Wales, UK Veteran
    yes you are
    I thought so. :lol:
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    edited July 2012
    The fact that few folks respond to every single thread says that everyone finds some threads that are of interest to them and happily leave the others alone.
    If you have things that are relevant to your practise, what stops you from bringing them here as newly created threads?
    As a Zen master, that would be a good question to ask yourself.
    As a fellow zen traveller, I sympathize with your post but I would suggest that nothing is irrelevant to your practise, least of all, the possibility of judgementalism.
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    This sounds more like detachment or indifference to particular thinking about Buddhism rather than Buddhism itself. :)
  • This sounds more like detachment or indifference to particular thinking about Buddhism rather than Buddhism itself. :)

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