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Changes in how we view an object's size and shape.

edited September 2012 in General Banter
Having gone from low levels of consciousness to high, back to low, back to high and onward. I have noticed that the size and shape of objects become smaller and more flat whilst more enlightened and seem to appear larger and fat while unenlightened. While more enlightened I feel 'big'.

Here's a direct example.

I used to skateboard a lot, jumping down stairs is pretty common. While unenlightened the stair case is big - perhaps since fear has a hold of me, and upon doing some liberation practice I went back to the same stair case and it looked smaller, and more close to the ground. That is one example but this visual change in size and shape is not limited too things that can cause fear, while even semi enlightened everything in my visual changes dimension, such as a cup, a bowl, my mattress and so forth. Their size and shape are literally morphed, in a good way. These changes in the objects dimension is strange in the sense that it is not as if someone who is enlightened would have a better estimate of somethings length, it is seeing as if I am seeing things as they are, my visual is more crisp and total. (On a side note this visual change is complemented by all other senses, they are all drastically sharper).

I suppose I am proposing that when they say - 'seeing things as they are' - It is meant both literally and not so literally.

Similarly to that phenomenon - while more enlightened, when entering a room with people in it, the room feels bigger, I am free to explore the room and am not pigeon hole'd into looking in certain directions and what not. (I think its the same kind of thing).

Has anyone ever experienced anything of this nature?


  • According to Buddha there are only Earth, Water, Fire, Air, Space, and Consciousness

    shape and colour are the 'things' come up from the mixture of earth, water, air and fire
    such 'things' are in the space to be seen
    Consciousness helps to see 'things' or 'foam'
    Consciousness helps to hear 'sound' or 'form'
    Consciousness helps to smell etc.

    Earth means 'element of expansion'
    Water means 'elements of cohesion'
    Fire means 'elements of heat'
    Air means 'elements of movement'

    it seems you are getting closer and closer to grasp the element of expansion

    the people who can master this would be able to walk through walls, dive in the earth etc. (in buddhism it is called Abinna)
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Interesting. When athletes get into the "zone" they report that the hoop or goal seems to get bigger and time seems to slow down. Maybe there is some relation to what you're saying?
  • BeejBeej Human Being Veteran
    I just feel like you are mis-using the word "enlightened". Whatever is happening to you, or whatever you are creating subjectively, sounds cool but I just don't think there is a "more" enlightened or a "less" enlightened state that you can apply to it. I think, for descriptive sake, you might use a word like more "aware" or something of that nature.

    Maybe I'm wrong. But I know that I have had very interesting things happen to me recently, and I would describe it as a hightened sense of awareness, as if nothing is inhibitting my sense's ability to perceive my environment. I don't know if thats the same thing that you are experiencing, but it sounds similar and I wouldn't call it 'more enlightened'... I just say that my "field of awareness is wide open", and I am not limited to my specific prejudgements for periods of time. Since it doesn't last forever and I still end up desiring something down the line, I couldn't call it a 'more enlightened' state. But it could be that I just don't understand what it is to be enlightened. I don't know. I guess, what I would say is, "Enjoy it while ya got it!"
  • @Thebeejabides

    The higher your state of awareness, the higher your level of consciousness is the more enlightened you are

    Practice a little, get a little enlightenment, practice a lot, get a lot of enlightenment
    thats how i learned it

    semi enlightenment
  • jumblesjumbles Explorer
    edited September 2012
    objects of consciously nicely described.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I rectified the grammar in the thread title.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    @PoisonFlowerz, I think it may be a point of lingual translation, but 'Enlightened' means something different to English-speaking members here, hence the advice of the word 'awareness'.
    Aware of certain phenomena, is completely accurate.
    Enlightenment - it isn't.
    It's just a courtesy to use the appropriate terminology....

    thanks! :D
  • @PoisonFlowerz I think I know what you mean, but I think we all perceive this differently. I was experiencing it yesterday during my hike.

    Also, I don't think that to use enlightened in this manner is incorrect. It seems that many people like to think that enlightenment is something that happens once and sticks around, when in reality it happens to different degrees many many times during our life.
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