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Who's moving?

VastmindVastmind Memphis, TN Veteran
edited September 2012 in General Banter
Almost everyone I know is moving.
For a boatload of reasons. Mostly, because of the economy.
Forclosures, downsizing, re-locating name it.
And yes, maybe that one guy thats even moving up.
Btw,I'm happy for him, not jealous. lololol

Either way, most people are not happy to go/leave,
and certainly not entertaining thoughts of Compassion
and Love but, it can be done.
Are you coming/going angry?
What are your intentions coming/going?
I thought these were some nice tools to help the
human heart connection that is lost in all the moving
for negative reasons.

Selling your house? Do the house and the new owner a good
turn. Write an owner's manual that describes how to operate
appliances, AC, heating systems, fuse box, and names of
your favorite plumber, electrician, and other help numbers.

Give a Warm Send-off. Plan a farewell party for a friend
who's moving. Ask everyone to bring/suggest a travel or
history book about the new area. As a collective gift, fill
in a date book with names and addresses/e-mails.

Introduce yourself to a new neighbor by taking a pie
or a dessert/cake! It was a traditional custom that it not
be delivered on paper, but in a dish or pan,
--giving the neighbor a reason to call on you.
The dish needed to be returned, and the two
visits were usually enough to start a budding friendship.

When someone moves, send them postcards.
It's quicker and cheaper than a letter, and way more fun :)

--little ways to say you care, marjabelle stewart
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