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Been awhile since I've floated around these parts. Not sure when I was last on actually. Probably a lot of new members since I last logged on, so I figured I'd reintroduce myself. My name is StaticToxbox (although some people call me Jeff). Soon to be 35 (next Sunday actually), I live in a town on the far southwestern edge of Chicagoland with me wife and three cats. And I...uhhh...you know what, I'm terrible at these kinds of posts so I'll just say hello.
I've never heard that before, obviously you meant T-o-y as your name on here is StaticToyBox.
ToxBox sounds pretty derogatory
You weren't kidding when you said "Prob'ly a lot of newbies" ! They keep pouring in every day/week. Which is a good thing. It's a good crowd. Make yourself at home.
http://dvorak.mwbrooks.com/layout.html [if you are interested]
[full disclosure: I actually use a layout called "programmer dvorak" which moves around the numbers and the other symbols like the () and [] and whatnot... but it's pretty much identical to Dvorak otherwise]