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  • BhanteLuckyBhanteLucky Alternative lifestyle person in the South Island of New Zealand New Zealand Veteran
    Webster’s defines technology as:

    • the practical application of knowledge especially in a particular area
    • a capability given by the practical application of knowledge
    • a manner of accomplishing a task especially using technical processes, methods, or knowledge

    Based on the above definitions, Buddhism qualifies as a technology for finding happiness.
    Yep, I like it. As a skeptic and atheist, this approach to Buddhism was a foot in the door for me. It got me started, kinda. I never would have taken Buddhism seriously if the spirits and devas and rebirth were compulsory.
    Now, however, after a few years as a Buddhist, certain experiences have opened my mind on those more "spiritual" things, and the "technology" view is less important to me, but still a good ground from which to begin. A good foundation for skeptics.

    Taking the other view was a monk who I met at Bodhivana Monastery... he described the Technology approach to Buddhism to be "Evil, evil."
    He was pretty insulted by it! He was a bit weird anyway, not your average monk... he took things very very seriously.
  • Serious monks are never weird. Weird monks are usually reflective of their inner situation, just like the rest of us.
  • Using an evil Ipad (you will see many monks using these in the coming years, when we upgrade and donate) at the moment.
    Buddhist Geeks seem one of the vocal supporters of the evil, evil, wickid evil technology. Many of them advanced practitioners.
    Western Buddhism or its offspring, will have its own technology franchise.
    As usual it will be opposed, laughed at and then adopted into dharma . . .
    Religions are different roads converging to the same point. What does it matter that we take different road, so long as we reach the same goal. Wherein is the cause for quarreling?
    Mahatma Ghandhi
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