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Cloud Atlas (The Movie)

Anyone seen this movie yet?

It's FANTASTIC. And a very very good experience - some might say it's even a spiritual one. It sparked a two hour long conversation with my buddy and I after seeing it...and we've chatted about Buddhism in the past - this movie made him basically say "Buddhist ideas are REALLY important" (which is a neat thing to say, because my buddy is not a Buddhist). This is definitely a movie I need to see one more time in the theater (and I don't say that very often).

I continue to have thoughts and ideas sparked because of this movie :)

Anyone else watch it? What did you think?


  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I'm going this afternoon...will get back to you. Sounds like you liked it...encourages me...the reviews tend to be either very positive or very negative.
  • Yeah, I noticed that about the reviews. Will probably check it out when it comes out on DVD :)
  • vinlyn said:

    I'm going this afternoon...will get back to you. Sounds like you liked it...encourages me...the reviews tend to be either very positive or very negative.

    I think it's due to the nature of the movie. I spent a large portion of the movie confused (could be because I missed the first 5 minutes of it), and I think some people just can't get past that. Jumping between many different story lines in different times, and swapping back and forth (don't worry, I won't list any spoilers) can be VERY confusing. Make sure to pay attention throughout the movie. Don't drink too much either - it's 3 hours long and you'd hate to have to take a break, haha.

    I'm biased though, since I'm in the portion of folks that liked it.
  • It is an amazing movie. Wish I understood it.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    Okay, so I just got back from this film. I went in with a negative attitude. First assuming I wouldn't understand it. Second assuming I wouldn't like it because I saw it as multiple short stories, and I don't usually like short stories.

    First, I have to say that, once again, Tom Hanks proves what a great actor he really is.

    In terms of the story, I think the overall message is pretty clear -- we are all interdependent, and not just on people we know and are associated with, but also with people who lived in the past who we never knew. But, I always thought that.

    I liked each of the individual stories, but didn't always see how they interconnected...some did clearly. Not clear why there had to be a exactly did that fit into the theme...missed out on that connection. Remarkable scope to the film, great visuals.

    From me, thumbs up. But, I'm going to recommend it to one of my friends, but suggest he not take his wife. He'll "get it", she won't. It's not for everyone.
  • Unfortunately I have to wait until Feb 22nd. UK release date. Just watched the trailer on you tube. Looks good, can't wait.
  • That looks awesome! Just watched the trailer as well.

    I might just be making it to the theater soon, maybe tomorrow to celebrate some recent successes.

    @vinlyn : Suggest that he go with his wife. Don't assume she won't enjoy it. If they are a happily married couple then I think it'd be a great thing for them to both go and see.
    That is what functional relationships are all about, cherishing the individual you are with for all of their being, even if that means sitting through a movie that one might not understand all the way.

    It is so rare for people to be happily married today it seems.

    Sorry for the tangent.
  • BunksBunks Australia Veteran

    It is so rare for people to be happily married today it seems.

    You make it sound like people were in the past!

    I just think these days people are more open both at home and publicly when they're unhappy. Divorce is no big deal anymore.

    Anyway, I have just succeeded in carrying on with your tangent! Back to the film...
  • LOVED the book, and based on comments so far, VERY excited about the film!
  • Daozen said:

    LOVED the book, and based on comments so far, VERY excited about the film!

    I didn't even know there was a book going in to see the movie. I'll have to read the book now! :)
  • BhanteLuckyBhanteLucky Alternative lifestyle person in the South Island of New Zealand New Zealand Veteran
    Should I see the film on the big screen, or can I wait till it comes out on DVD?
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    edited October 2012
    I think this is one for the big screen.

    I just bought the book, and the clerk said they were having trouble keeping it stocked.
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