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  • Huh, meditation works, who'd have thunk it?

  • Of course if you go into the meditation thinking of 'doing' of 'switching to different brain parts' you might end up with more self-referential thoughts. The paradox of trying to 'get' meditation.

    Meditation is a non-doing. But it's a paradox because how can we 'do' non-doing. We let go and just let it happen. You have to GO into whatever pain or stress you are experiencing. If you don't go into the 'stuff' of your life you can never get the release from ending the feedback loop. It's interesting to think of it as a feedback loop. I think that is a little bit of a simplification and in the actual meditation you actually let go and it makes greater vibrancy (sometimes) rather than a dullness. Self-referential worries are more a dullness whereas meditation is kind of fishing where you are constantly letting out line and then reeling it up. There is a motion of meditation where it is tense and then it just breaks in on itself and relaxes. There are also focuses that are like a strong attention and then losing yourself only to get into rumination and dreaming. But then you reel the line back in again...

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