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Returning to the cushion

So I have been very lax in my religious studies and meditation for quite some time. The last 14 months or so have been incredibly hectic. It's really fascinating what can happen in a year. Although I have not been as active in my studies of the Dhamma and in my meditation, my religious beliefs still have played a very important role in my development over the last year. As this semester rolls into the final stretch and the holiday season descends, I am finally entering a stage where I can start to see a bit of peace. The dust is starting to settle a little bit. With my recent efforts at maintaining an alcohol-free lifestyle, and with a new confidence born of the trials I have faced this last year, I feel like I can finally settle down and return to the most important of life's endeavors, that of liberation from suffering. It has been difficult to start back to meditating, and I am noticing that my skillfulness over the precepts has waned quite a bit. But I feel very optimistic and I am so grateful that the jewels are truly a part of my daily life. I love you all, and I hope you are finding peace and happiness as well.


  • :) Glad to hear that the path is calling again. Be well.
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    Glad to hear this as well! Keep at it! I will be following you shortly! 3 weeks left of my BS in Psychology degree and will be taking a break before I begin my Masters in Counseling! Get on the cushion and stay there until you are enlightened!:) HAHA!
  • Bravo
    May all Beings be so cushioned :clap:
  • Thats what i do after a tough martial arts session or work, sit on the couch in front of tv, thats what you mean right :) .......................
  • RodrigoRodrigo São Paulo, Brazil Veteran
    Even if you are not sitting, you seem to be mindful. That's good.
  • JasonJason God Emperor Arrakis Moderator
    edited November 2012
    Glad to hear that things are settling down a bit and that you've got a bit more breathing room to focus on your practice again. I can definitely relate. I spent the majority of last year visiting friends and family back in Michigan and not really paying too much attention to my practice.

    Since I've been back, though, my drinking has been at an all-time low (I rarely every feel like it anymore), and I've been visiting both Miao Fa Temple and the Portland Friends of the Dhamma fairly regularly again. And while I'm a bit stressed/depressed about still being unemployed, I'm also thankful for all the time I've had to get myself back into practice and attend retreats that I'd otherwise not be able to.

    I've found that it's nice to have the practice to fall back on, especially when worldly life begins to take over and you find yourself drifting away into unskillful behaviour or just get lost in the business of life in the world. And sometimes just getting back to the basics of observing the precepts and practicing meditation can be like a breath of fresh air.
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Glad to hear your doing well :)
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