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"unlocking" the pineal gland?

I was looking online today and started reading about the pineal gland, and certain meditations to unlock it, or open it, you get the idea. Is anyone here familiar with this sort of thing or is it a bunch of bunk? Supposed to open your "third eye" .


  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran
    I don't know. I am familiar, but I am not sure how "right, correct or real it is." But it is interesting nonetheless.
  • Beware the kundalini and other snake charmings :)
    The siddhis are quite natural and sustainable arisings to drop. Opening chakras or practices without supervision from one (reasonably) sane will turn you lady gaga. It is not bunk. It is however not a casual interest.
  • On a lighter note you can watch the movie of H P Lovecraft's short story on the the subject - "From Beyond" - 1980's B grade horror. I think they turned into something scarier than Lady Gaga ;)
  • Opening the third eye chakra is like opening the gateway to the eternal witness.

    Which is basically really good dualistic mindfulness. A sense of extreme pressure in the forehead region. Looking outwards having absolute detachment.

    Shining the light back towards the mindfulness basically pops the mindfulness so there is no longer a witness but an all pervading consciousness.

    That is the sphere of eternal consciousness.

    Nevertheless its all perception attainments.

    Subtle energy is worked with in the tantras, which deals with the relationship between the unseen realms and the known realms.

    One method to create a focal point of energy and awareness in the forehead is to breathe into it then relax outwards into space while exhaling. Then notice the presence and absence in the forehead region. Once a source is established then bring the attention back at the attention itself.

    Good luck.
  • Thank you all or your input. While researching it, I came upon both helpful and un-helpful information. It seemed like a very positive meditation. Thanks again!
  • LeonBasin said:

    I don't know. I am familiar, but I am not sure how "right, correct or real it is." But it is interesting nonetheless.

    Thats about where I am. Familiar, but not knowledgeable about it. It is interesting for sure, but I do find meditation and it's effects one of the more interesting things in the world.
  • On a lighter note you can watch the movie of H P Lovecraft's short story on the the subject - "From Beyond" - 1980's B grade horror. I think they turned into something scarier than Lady Gaga ;)

    Well, I am off today, so maybe I can find that on Netflix! I a-scared a no Lady Ga-Ga monster.
  • Especially since I am currently being subjected to Dora the Explorer. Anything would be better....
  • @taiyaki Would you say then that with a kundalini arising experience its the stage when the feeling of seeking or being a seeker lets go and ends? Do theravadens acknowledge this anywhere along their 4 stages?
  • I ask re Therevaden path cause I sometimes try to see how some paths correlate.. And it seems like stage 7 of zen ox herding pics is this 'end of seeking' stage..
  • I have no idea what Theravadens acknowledge.

    Though I have heard of Hinayana practitioners who speak about energy. For instance energy is a common phenomena when it comes to shamatha practice. Breathing with the whole body, expanding energy outwards. Or breathing into areas creating expansive areas of energy. It is a common occurrence with sincere practitioners.

    Kundalini arising or other energetic happenings do not imply anything inherently other than what the practitioner projects the energy into.

    For instance the energetic phenomena called "anger" is actually just energy prior to being designated anger. It is just the clarity of non dual awareness arising. Because of karma we are forced to see it as anger.

    There is a theory that Arhats have a complete energetic circuit in their subtle body.

    Here is more info on it:

  • Interesting article thanks @Taiyaki :)!
  • Seems like a distraction.
  • Seems like a distraction.

    Yeah, that. That is my stumbling block.
  • I wonder what the pineal gland has to do with meditation. I thought Meditation is supposed to help one to achieve Nirvana.
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