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Meditation with incense

Does anyone burn incense before or during meditation? If so what cent? I've never tried this before but may go pick a few up tomorrow :p


  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited November 2012
    I think it is good. Not too distracting but putting the mind in an enjoying space. Personally I use an aroma lamp because it is less smokey. I like orange bud, rosemary, spruce, peppermint, and cajeput. I moved the aroma lamp away from where I meditate but I still burn an unscented candle for inspiration of bringing light into the world.
  • I'll have to check for those cents! I have been told that the smoke can become distracting
  • Sandalwood is good for concentration. Personally I like frankincese. Some of the Tibetan incenses have reputed healing properties. Japanese incense is very light and recommended.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited November 2012
    Try getting an aroma lamp. They can be lit by tealight candles or electric. The latter are safer. The aromas (bottles) last a long time.
  • An aroma lamp or oil burner is a good choice. If possible get good quality pure oils, many of which have particular qualities, for example opening the airways, cleansing, healing, mood lifting etc.
  • How much do aroma lamps run for? Where can I buy one?
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited November 2012
    Online or else I bought mine at the mall at a sort of 'teen underground/alternative store'.

    The one I have probably cost 8 dollars looks like the sort of house with a bowl on top.

    A lot like this
  • Ohh! I'm familiar with these! I will definitely look into buying one
  • cazcaz Veteran United Kingdom Veteran
    Incense is far to distracting, The less things to disturb your mind during meditation the better.

    Incense can be used as an offering to the Buddha's, Bodhisattva's and other holy beings this is about its only decent use.
  • I like sandalwood. Some odours have a calming effect on the mind, so you need to experiment and see which ones suit you best. My most useful meditation aid is a singing bowl which I highly recommend.
  • I had an experience like caz said; I saw the lamp as a distraction. Previously I had a lot of sort of a gooey feeling of how special my aroma lamp and aromas were. I had a ritual.

    Then one day when I had a lot of motivation to practice and energy.. well all that energy I had a thunderbolt vision of throwing the aroma lamp in the garbage. I actually just moved it upstairs in my room.

    But there was a gooey quality to associating with my alter that I didn't like deep down. Hard to explain. Now the new shrine is pleasing just a votive candle instead of a lamp.
  • When I have incense I light it and enjoy it while I sit. When I don't have incense I do the same.

    I used to have an oil burner. I might look into getting one again.

    I turn my air filter on while the incense burns.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited December 2012
    Oh, I thought of another tip. My mom got me a 'fragrance' one time for an expensive oil (I asked for christmas a tiny bottlle). At first I was like floored because it would'a been so expensive, but then I realized it was a fragrance. Well, you know what? When burned in the aroma lamp with a liberal amount of the fragrance maybe 1/4 tsp it smelled just fine, maybe not authentic?? but definitely pleasant. Just thought I'd throw that out there; I've only tested this with this one fragrance/oil. I still use the fragrance on my shrine in an espresso cup (my sacred bowl lol) a friend gave me mixed with water. You can also mix fragrances/oils with jojobo oil and put on the skin which I think is a great pleasure for the senses, especially olfactory senses.
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