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the place and the time

wherever we are and whenever we are depend on our liking


upekka is trying to send a post now (now is the time)
upekka is trying to send a post from here (here is the place)

if upekka has no liking to do so, upekka is not trying to send a post now

the same thing apply if upekka is just thinking of sending a post (the place will be over there and time is future)
even though upekka likes to send a post there is just thinking but not that is happening yet (it is not over there yet) because the necessary conditions have not fulfilled yet

same thing apply if upekka is just thinking of a sent post (the place was over there and time was past)
even though upekka likes the sent post it is not here and now and can not reach and hold

wherever we are whether it is here or over there
whenever we are whether it is now, past or future
that is because we like to be in that place and in that time

whether we can be in that place and in that time is depend on 'how the conditions are fulfilled'
the conditions are fulfilled by 'ourselves' before this moment

the way we get our surroundings are the way we give those surroundings to others before


is there any decency if we think, or say 'i am not happy with what i am getting now'?
is there any right for us to find fault with the world we have to face?

(do not ask me sutta reference please, but see whether there is any truth in the above)



  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited January 2013
    There is a time and a place and they are conditionally arisen. So I agree. In a dharma teaching there are five certainties my Lama says: time, place, teacher, student, and lesson.

    Awareness is of the nature of space and there is always a sense of time in awareness. Sequence perhaps. Space without awareness is overly nebulous and perhaps meaningless. Time/awareness without space is too solid and confining.
  • So during your sleep and there is dream appearing, in the same scenario as above, do you have the ability to control the condition to materialse or not to material that moment or just remaining a thought within that dream state. And is there any place and time different while in that dream of yours on the same position of sleeping posture.
  • instead of giving a direct answer to Deepankar question
    how about just go through the following line of thought and see

    if we think she/he/it was over there (existed), will be over there (will exist) , is here (is exist)
    there is 'something' or 'someone'
    here is 'I' (even though we do not think, we take it for granted that 'I' is here)

    without knowing that there is duality we are with duality

    then think about the dream

    a dream is within a dream?
    are we dreaming all the time?

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