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Right thinking versus Right intention

The eightfold path can be divided into ethics (right action, speech, and livelyhood), concentration (concentration, mindfulness, and effort), and the third category wisdom. Wisdom consists of right view and one other. The other I have seen translated as both 'right thinking' and 'right intention'. Any comments on the difference? Right thinking would be hard because you have a discursive mind and little control over your own thoughts. It would be like vowing never to cough, sneeze, or hiccup because we cannot control those just as we cannot control our thoughts.. So I like intention better because it could be a manner of clarifying my wishes, digging deep.


  • taiyakitaiyaki Veteran
    edited January 2013
    Thoughts are going to happen.

    Intention is like directing the flow of thoughts in a certain direction.

  • thoughts happen
    they can be wholesome or unwholesome

    if we intend (intention) to have wholesome thought
    we have to train our mind to have wholesome thoughts

    Lord Buddha's Teaching helps us to train our mind


    if we give a thought like 'contemplating on body -hair, nail, teeth, skin etc' (asuba bavana) to the mind, at that time there is no time to arise unwholesome thought

    see it for yourself

    contemplating on breath, contemplating on elements, contemplating on death etc. are wholesome thought that does not allow the mind have unwholesome thought

    'contemplation on body (kayanupassana), contemplation of feeling (vedananupassana), contemplation of mind states (cittanupassaa) and contemplation on thoughts (dhammanupassana)' are the are the wholesome thoughts
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