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Mind and Life conference XXVI: Mind, Brain and Matter

personperson Don't believe everything you thinkThe liminal space Veteran
There was recently another Mind and Life conference with HHDL and scientists. I've only watched day 1 am so far out of 5 and a half days of 11 2-3 hour meetings on scientific and religious convergences, so I can't really say how interesting this panel is but past conferences have been awesome. Here's a link to HHDL's website where you can download HD video, stream or download mp3 versions for viewing/listening. Also if you look in the Dialog and Panel discussion section you can find past conferences.


  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    Finished watching all of these. Overall very good IMO. Day 1 was an introduction/overview and a brief history of science. Day 2 focused on Relativity Theory and quantum mechanics. Day 3 was devoted to neuroscience. Day 4 was about consciousness studies and the day ended with a lively discussion between some physicalists on the panel and those who have a more immaterial position. The day 5 speakers talked about the practical applications of the Mind and Life research, clinical and educational. And the half day 6 covered the implementation of scientific education in the Tibetan monastic education and some wrapup and goodbyes.
  • great - thanks for the overview
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