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Interesting collection of questions & answers about meditation

Here's a page I just found in my travels -

Have a good one!


  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    Ten Thumbs Up! (I'm all thumbs today.)
  • I have never read better info on meditation.
    Outstanding! :clap:
    If you are enjoying yourself, feel restful, and have a sense of ease, you are doing it right. In the long run, you know you are doing it right if you are more adaptable, more resilient, more stable inside yourself, more perceptive, and more appreciative of life.
  • Glad 2 be of service!

  • Here's somethin else I just found -

    “We could say that meditation doesn’t have a reason or doesn’t have a purpose. In this respect it’s unlike almost all other things we do except perhaps making music and dancing. When we make music we don’t do it in order to reach a certain point, such as the end of the composition. If that were the purpose of music then obviously the fastest players would be the best. Also, when we are dancing we are not aiming to arrive at a particular place on the floor as in a journey. When we dance, the journey itself is the point, as when we play music the playing itself is the point ..."

    ITt looks a huge site!
  • @ Geoff

    Wow, you do travel to interesting and beautiful places.
  • Thanks pegembara!

    I like 2 share what has helped me ...

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