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Is this the infamous bible belt?
My brother has recently taken an interest in druidry. During his research he came across a christian forum. I just can't believe these people are real - i'm beginning to understand why some American buddhists are afraid to tell their families about their faith.
Here's what one said about buddhism:
Buddah always has a look of lust in his eyes not unlike the way a Mexican looks at a 17 year old white girl. His pudgy little hands are perfect for flikering his doodle around all day which I am sure is an activity that most Buddhists take part in to achieve inner peace.
This is mild compared to the rest - especially what they say about pagans such as Wiccans.
I am stunned people like this exist. I was going to post a reply, try to reason with them, but i'll think i'll leave it to someone wiser and better with words.
You're right. And it scares me, too! YIKES!
I went to the site and I was aghast at the inflammatory things being said about Wiccans! :hair: :rarr: These people have no clue whatsoever what being Wiccan even is! Being Wiccan, I thought about attempting to set them straight but I know that it would do no good and just get me into a flame war. What's the point? Whatever. Some people choose to remain in their own ignorance and there's not a thing that you can do about it! Their inflammatory words and negativity will come back to them full-force because I believe in karma. :whatever:
Fake? The ignorance and hatred seems real enough. I had to stop reading that site - I was getting nauseous.
I had to stop reading after a few posts because I got sick, too.
Anyways, I kinda took everything with a pinch of salt as a really bad satire (man I got into trouble with the school today for writing one really bad one!)... Yet I must agree, the hatred present is real enough.
I guess the question becomes where we draw the line. The thread on praising teachers and now (somehow) tolerence is probably a better place to ask the question.
The basic assumption is this:
If you aren't worshipping my god, who is the only true god, that you must be worshipping the devil. It doesn't matter how much good you do or how nice you are, you are mislead by satan and going to burn in hell for rejecting god. You are evil and I don't want my kids being led astray by you. That goes for other denominations of Christianity as well. Forget Muslims and Jews, if you don't believe exactly what I believe you obviously can't be worshipping the same god (This especially goes for Roman Catholics. The fundies tend to particularily dislike Roman Catholics as idol-worshippers).
Given that mentality, you can see why people who follow really "strange" religions like Buddhism or Wicca are seen as devil worshippers. Many people have tried to convince them that they don't worship the devil. "But, I don't even believe in the devil, that's a Christian concept" or "But, I don't do spells for evil, only for good." Statements like that only prove to them that you really don't get it. You are either with them or against them. And it doesn't matter if you are too dumb to know that you are misled by Satan.
Of course, I can't stand people like that and I couldn't disagree with them more. But I have had the wonderful opportunity of living among them long enough to actually - dare I say - understand them and their mentality. And what I have learned is this, it is no use trying to reason with them because we start with different basic assumptions.
Ain't it the truth! Oy!
Get a sense of humor, people, that site is hilarious.
This is one of the funniest anti-Conservative Christian sites .... DUH!
I did not find anything in the least bit funny about it at all. But then, I am a Wiccan! Sorry if I don't get the humor in any sort of website that is so negative, narrow-minded, intolerant of other faiths, and just plain trashy in my opinion. Whether or not it is real or fake is irrelevant in my opinion. The Pagan community already has enough problems with dealing with those so-called Christians who are intolerant and biased, and in some cases, physically aggressive against anyone who considers themselves to be Pagan/Wiccan/Witches. I am amply familiar with those who are physically aggressive against me simply because I am Wiccan---I have had my life threatened and my car's tires were slashed! For added fun, some overzealous fanatic painted "Devil's Spawn" and crosses all over my car! I am also not bashing all Christians, either, because I do know Christians who are accepting of all belief systems and religions. I am referring to the Fundamentalist types who spew their venomous hatred at anyone who is not of their particular religious belief system. This is why I don't find sites like http://www.landoverbaptist.org funny at all. I am not trying to start a flame war or anything like that, I am simply expressing my opinion and beliefs.
Adiana:rockon: :-/ :-/ :hrm: :usflag:
But still at least I was expecting an anti-Conservative site to focus on what was Conservative, at the rate they were going, it sounded like it was a Conservative site itself and missed out the whole tact a proper satire was supposed to exhibit while attacking the topic. I don't see how attacking other non-Conservative beliefs might be useful to anti-Conservative causes...
But yea, I must agree that it's funny, but I'd say I prefer the Onion a gazillion loads more... :rockon:
i don't get it