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Do you think that dreams have any connection with our real lives? Many people think that dreams are a viewing of our future and that there's always meaning behind the aspects of our dreams.

I dreamt about shooting stars last night, I looked into dreams of this kind and they are apparently related to great change. Perhaps this is true, because my sister recently became engaged to her boyfriend.

I also had a dream about my teeth falling out recently, I looked into this dream also and found that it relates to stress. I was particularly stressed out on that day.


  • I don't know, to be honest. I tend to ignore the books about symbolism in dreams, because some symbolism is personal -- for instance someone dreams of a rat and in reality they are terrified of rats, but I used to have pet rats, so me dreaming about a rat might have an entirely different meaning.

    I've had tooth dreams too, as well as dreams where my skin is severely broken out. I've always chalked them up to anxiety dreams, personally. Other common anxiety dreams I have involve something happening to my dog, or an animal I owned in the past, as well as having to go back to highschool.

    A lot of my dreams don't make a lot of sense, to be honest, and it would be hard to discern a greater meaning from them (provided that I could even remember enough of them). Lately I've been remembering a lot more of my dreams for some reason, but what their exact meaning is, I don't know.
  • I think I should listen to my dreams more. They are subconscious warning signs for what is going on in your head, feelings you don't realise you have, or choose not to accept. I very rarely have dreams at all but when I do I remember them, I still remember dreams I used to have repeatedly when I was in my teens and now I can relate them to fears and anxiety I had at the time. I think dreams represent a lack of control, things are happening to you that you don't feel in control of and by bringing that aspect of your life under control in the real world will relieve the dreams you are having.

    More recently, the past couple of weeks I've had strange dreams after not having any for years, I should have listened to the warnings because something has now happened and I chose not to listen to the dreams. They show me that I was concerned about this issue and perhaps could have done something about it but now it is too late and I feel that on reflection I to some degree allowed it to happen. I now hope to return myself to the position I was in before where I slept well and unbroken and didn't have dreams at all.
  • It all comes down to if you link and place value in the dreams you have. For instance I recently had a dream where Trungpa Rinpoche gave me a teaching in Tibetian which I understood in the dream and he gave me notes in Korean but I couldn't understand them. I told him how i couldn't stat long because my samadhi was unstable. He was very empathetic. When I awoke there was a tug in the chest/heart. And that was the teaching.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    When one remains open to the Dharma, everything reflects it's teaching. Faith for me is letting go of it all, trusting that the next moments reflection will be complete onto itself.
    I see dreams in the same light, as Dharma that needs no ride from me.
  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    I personally pay scant attention. I remember my dreams so rarely, and frankly, when I do, it's just a feeling I get that my subconscious is just twiddling its thumbs.
  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran
    I don't think that dreams are just one "thing". Sometimes I think they reflect what you really hope for. Sometimes they reflect some subconscious feelings. Sometimes they reflect something that happened to you recently. And according to an article I read just a few days ago, sometimes they reflect spicy food!

    The dreams I pay attention to are those that are repetitive, particularly over time. For example, if I ever wonder who the love of my life was (unrequited though it may have been), all I need do is reflect on who is the one person I dream about every few months for over 30 years.

    In terms of the teeth dreams, I had a pattern of similar dreams for a couple of years where my teeth would hurt and just shatter, and it said it was sexual frustration...which I think was true at the time.
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