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Goal and Purpose

Most people engaged in the spiritual path, rather than following a religion, find change is inevitable. There are other ways of changing and improving. Life experience gives us insight into people and situations. In many ways we are trying to allow or facilitate the improvements that life and its impacts may reveal.
In many systems of polishing the ego, we try and remove our rough edges and amplify our more virtuous qualities. In some aspects of the path, we aim for transparency, rather than a different form of sparkling delusion. In other words we no longer try to become, attain or change but rather remove the barriers and obscurations that cling and distort.
In the Buddhist Middle Way, we enter our middle, our central being. That internal Buddha Nature is unsullied by lifes capacity to imbalance and unbalance. Wrong views and infantile thinking can happen if the experience of life is not digested and learned from. Can we learn from the bad in our situation and self? Can we ignore the superficialities of tradition and culture? In other words are we ready to digest the wholesome nutrition and ignore the junk spirituality?
If we find good companions and worthy teaching and helpful practice, we will change. Inevitable. If we are sincere and applied in our efforts we gradually gain confidence in our capacity to recognize the genuine aspiration and teaching and to find more to listen and engage with. We enter a stream that has a goal of awakening insight and knowledge.
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