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Loopy in the head after some meditation sessions

Today I had 3 meditation sessions, I really enjoyed it and felt like I wanted to do it. I feel like doing one more before I go to bed but I know I wont be able to focus well. Point is that I was doing some shopping after these sessions and I felt completely disorientated, like I did not really remember what to buy, and I was very zombie-like. So I am thinking that maybe I over did it? Or maybe its okay to be tired after meditation? Has anyone of you expirienced this after meditation?


  • Supressing ignorance uses energy. Until the defilments are gone completely they will be subject to rising and ceasing and they will remain dormant until eradicated.
  • Interesting. The balance of your mind is affected by meditation. Remember to open to whatever *does* happen. See it for what it is. So you got loopy feeling. Just open to that feeling. Opening balances things.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran

    Can you explain what type of meditation you are doing..Focus?/method?
    There are some practises best left for direct master/disciple guidance but most are safe for self direction.
    It's easy when learning about meditation to deliberately direct your thoughts instead of just accepting them for what they are.
    The deliberate directing of your thoughts in meditation is really more of a concentration exercise that can certainly stay with you for a while and dis orient.
    If it's meditation you'd like to learn about, I'd watch if your relaxing into observing or if you are exerting some focus that's affecting what ever arises.

  • Today I had 3 meditation sessions, I really enjoyed it and felt like I wanted to do it. I feel like doing one more before I go to bed but I know I wont be able to focus well. Point is that I was doing some shopping after these sessions and I felt completely disorientated, like I did not really remember what to buy, and I was very zombie-like. So I am thinking that maybe I over did it? Or maybe its okay to be tired after meditation? Has anyone of you expirienced this after meditation?

    I've read several reports around the internet that meditation can cause some people to dissociate. In fact I think we had a member here say that that happened to her repeatedly, after meditation. If you're getting adverse symptoms, cut back.

  • Maybe doing some exercises to ground in the body might be helpful such as body scans. Thich Nhat Hanh goes through an exercise where you smile to every part of your body.
  • A little loopyness can be OK. Walking meditation, prostrations or 'tantric shopping meditation' can be helpful.

    Never heard of shopping meditation? Ask: 'does the Buddha in me need this?'
    . . . watch the shopping attachment drop away . . . :wave:
  • Today I had 3 meditation sessions, I really enjoyed it and felt like I wanted to do it. I feel like doing one more before I go to bed but I know I wont be able to focus well. Point is that I was doing some shopping after these sessions and I felt completely disorientated, like I did not really remember what to buy, and I was very zombie-like. So I am thinking that maybe I over did it? Or maybe its okay to be tired after meditation? Has anyone of you expirienced this after meditation?

    The aim of meditation is not to enjoy but to attain enlightenment. If it turns you into a zombie, you ought to think twice about meditation. A zombie is not a Buddha.
  • howhow Veteran Veteran
    Most of learning about meditation is our experience of what meditation isn't.
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