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Balanced between mind and matter

do you think there is a connection among physics, chemistry, bio-science, mathematics, history, literature and language which leads to balance between mind and matter?


  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Only if you make it so, No. 1. :)
  • sovasova delocalized fractyllic harmonizing Veteran
    This is an interesting question. Lots of particular things are inexpressible -- like describing the taste of ice cream or the seeing of a color to one who has not shared said experience yet. Science and the like are predominantly based on language and symbols on paper. I like to think that "science" refers more to a process of investigation than just books and words on a page. Personally, I don't feel that there is any particularly wonderful connection between physics and literature; what is far more interesting is the insight that leads to creative endeavor and discovery. Take an equation about relativity, or a beautiful poem about the temporariness of a sunset and sand between your toes -- the symbols and the language are really just stepping stones to the unraveling of a beautiful blossom within your own mind.
  • upekka said:

    do you think there is a connection among physics, chemistry, bio-science, mathematics, history, literature and language which leads to balance between mind and matter?

    I'm not sure exactly what this question is asking upekka. If you mean - do these areas of study all lead us to the idea that mind and matter are dependently-originated or that the spacetime world is psycho-physical, then I'd say yes. But this may not be what you're getting at.
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    during the meditation at the day of OP the mind could see the balance between mind and matter comes just to the four basic elements on the space

    at the first jhana there is word formation (vacci sankhara) within the mind which make the changes of basic elements in the body and in and out breath (kaya sankhara) which brings four element into the body from our side

    at second jhana rate of change of basic elements slow down and amount of basic elements coming into body also reduce

    at third jhana rate is slower than before and amount also reduce than before

    at fourth jhana mind does not move then there is no change of elements other than the normal/natural change and there is no new elements bring by in and out breth (kaya sankhara more or less stop at this stage


    the body and mind is at a balance with the out side world
    universe/world/body/mind is one and all
  • What are the basic elements? Jhana doesn't stop oxygen from going into the body and carbon dioxide from going out.
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    six basic elements (Dhatu) are:
    element of earth (hardness and softness)
    element of water (dissolve and granulate)
    element of fire (heat and coolness)
    element of wind (holding and flowing)
    element of space (where forms can stay)
    element of consciousness (which can feel- seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, touching, thinking)

    in one breath all of the four (earth, water, fire, wind) elements can mindfully be seen (consciousness) on space

    each jhana stages in and out breath becomes slower and slower
    fourth jhana there is no in-out breath to be seen
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    Jeffrey said:

    Jhana doesn't stop oxygen from going into the body and carbon dioxide from going out.

    when there is a balance between mind and matter a living being is like a tree?

    instead of taking carbon dioxide into the body
    sending out oxygen to the world

    what a nice thing people can do for the world by meditating
    instead of fighting for Rights

  • Yes that's right that a tree 'breathes' carbon dioxide. I just didn't understand that the elements you mentioned are like mental elements. I didn't see how jhana could stop the biological flows of material into the body.

    Yes the trees are meditating and we can provide the civil rights.
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    Jeffrey said:

    I just didn't understand that the elements you mentioned are like mental elements. I didn't see how jhana could stop the biological flows of material into the body.

    have you experienced fourth jhana (Rupa jhana) and above (Arupa jhana) jeffrey?

    our body consists of four elements, earth, water, heat, air
    we breath air and in it there are other three elements namely earth, water, and heat
    our bodies stay in space
    we can feel because there is consciousness

    mind is one thing and is pure ( like water)
    by adding greed, hate and delusion to the mind makes consciousness (like adding coffee, milk and sugar into water and called coffee)

    jhana stages remove greed, hate and delusion by degrees with the help of Buddha's Teaching which means there is insight

    Rather than complicate things by adding more and more words, it is advisable to gain Samadhi and investigate

  • Yeah, upekka, I am hopeful to reach jhana. I had two experiences both in February 2011 and 2012.

    In 2011 my head glowed with pleasure but I was continuously trying to let go even of that. My mom who was grieving her father came downstairs and she was laughing and joking with me and it felt as if my mind were transmitted to her. Then she got sad about her father and my mind stopped glowing because I was sad for her and distraught. He had just died within the month.

    In 2012 I had a day where I could effortlessly meditate and stay mostly on the breath. I meditated for six hours with walking interspersed and included in the total. I dn't know if that was just a nyam or if it was the second Jhana.
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    jeffrey, 2011
    experience was second jhana without doubt (piti, suka ekaggatha seems to be there)

    2012 experience may be first jhana (since your mind was involve with breath and it seems there was savitakkam savicaram)


    may be third jhana (if there was no thinking of breath or no feeling)

    you are the only person who could decide with your experience
  • Where is mind, where is matter?

    What use is balance when we cannot find those?

    And what if we connect the dots from everything to everything?

    Will that lead to some profound gnosis?

    Or is it trying to look for a pin in a haystack?

  • NevermindNevermind Bitter & Hateful Veteran
    If we don't mind it doesn't matter.
  • upekkaupekka Veteran
    Nevermind said:

    If we don't mind it doesn't matter.


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