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sick of meditating

seansean Explorer
edited March 2013 in Meditation
not really but i am sick and i am meditating lol .tonight while i was sitting (my nose was no longer stopped up thanx to the meds i finally got but my throat still hurts like crazy)i found it quite nice. every breath i took in hurt and i was kind of just zoned in. has anyone else had a experience of sick meditation.


  • ToshTosh Veteran
    When I'm ill, I don't even try. I'm not tough enough yet. Respect to you.
  • yeah I am a woos too. Mindful suffering is bad enough without having to be ill too . . .
    Well done on managing to sit.
  • seansean Explorer
    you should really try it lol. the hard part was when my nose wasn't working. i fill bad for people with chronic pain who do this props to them.
  • BhikkhuJayasaraBhikkhuJayasara Bhikkhu Veteran
    Yes I meditate when I'm sick. It's hard often for me to follow the breath naturally while not sick, while sick it's near impossible if my nose is stuffed up, but I just observe all phenomenon and any feelings and emotions that arise.

    I also attempt to stay positive and as Ajahn Brahm said about Ajahn Chah when he was sick to " be with" the sickness, not to push it away.
  • I tried it once some time ago when I had a cold/flu (I don't often get sick). It was difficult, but it was zazen nevertheless!

    But I do have sciatica which sometimes flares up. I've since switched to a seiza bench which helps it from exacerbating things-- in fact it feels not too bad sitting that way when my lower back is acting up.
  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I end up doing it often, as I have chronic allergies. Sometimes even medications don't help and I end up having to try to meditate with tissue shoved up my nose to stop the faucet (sorry for the TMI, lol). It's always a challenge for me, but I've adjusted to it alright. I have adenoid problems and frequently cannot breathe through my nose correctly. I often find that meditating actually helps my allergies.

    But in the case of stomach illness, I don't even try. I wanted to be able to meditate following my surgery but I was so ill feeling and fuzzy headed from the anesthesia and later the pain meds that it was pointless.
  • chelachela Veteran
    The last time I was sick, I didn't even try to meditate. I didn't think that I would get anything out of meditating with a headache and sinus pressure except a worse attitude than I already had. It was hard enough just to be halfway mindful for that week to accept being sick. Looks like I have quite a ways to go!
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