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Neo Buddhism - Navayana

This is what Father Christmas said about the fourth turning of the Dharma Wheel:

"There is no reason why it should not grow happily alongside, and even blend with the best of Western science, psychology and social science, and thus affect the ever-changing field of Western thought. It will not be Theravada or Zen... Just what it will be we do not know, nor does it matter at the present time. The Dhamma as such is immortal, but its forms must ever change to server the ever-changing human need."

As an ex-communicated Navayanist (YinYana heresy) I have been to the good judges house (now home of the Buddhist Society) and made good use of the descendent of his extensive library housed at Amravarti in Herts.

I get the feeling that many people here incline to the Navayana approach. Am I right or living in nava nava land?


  • BhanteLuckyBhanteLucky Alternative lifestyle person in the South Island of New Zealand New Zealand Veteran
    Oh yeah, Dhamma-Lite.
    I like it. Same great taste, half the fat.
  • chelachela Veteran
    :clap: It sounds appropriate for where I am at, in this particular moment of time and space.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    I think we all hop on various rafts at various junctures of the journey.
  • First I've heard of Navayana or this Christmas guy. Live and learn.

    I doubt "navayana" catches on, because even the language of Buddhism should reflect the rebirth and the "yana" designation is as valid as insisting on using Latin for Christian services. We honor the Pali language but "Western Buddhism" has pretty much caught on.
  • Western Buddhism is radically improving dharma. Do you see evidence of that? I certainly do.
    Dharma does change but the experiences are the same and go back to the Buddha and earlier.
    The important thing is to become immersed in the path, find the Middle Way, become Enlightened before breakfast and share any insights . . .
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