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Same Old Story?

This is something karasti said in another post:
It is one benefit of having a teacher/sangha to pose the confusion and questions to. Almost all the time they are able to tell a story or explain it in a way that makes much more sense than me trying to figure it out myself.
It is one of the reasons the sangha is one of the three jewels.
It is worth considering how the ability to solve internal conflicts is an important capacity. I have noticed that those individuals able to listen and digest advice and welcome it, make rapid progress towards . . . no need for progress (so to speak) or liberation as we plebs know it . . .

The ability to unravel, remove layers, become aware of the impediments and therefore make progress to nowhere (so to speak) is in part our personal story, we have to listen to our selves. We have to acknowledge our masking and ignorance.

As the real nature becomes apparent, empty of story telling, empty of self delusion and attachments to being, we find we are made up of the same story. The Buddha Nature. Perfectly Empty.



  • So what ur saying...
    Solitude, if one is awere, can do the same as a sangha?
  • Solitude, if one is awere, can do the same as a sangha?
    Perhaps that can be said for people aware and dispassionate sufficiently from the coarser aspects of their own inner sangha. Most of us are not sufficiently objective. :)
    I for one don't trust anything I say or think . . .
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