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Taking 3 Refuges and 5 Precepts

I've arranged with my nearest monastery to take the 3 Refuges and 5 Precepts and I am thinking about going along soon but I've just though, are they going to expect me to know the ceremony/words?


  • SabreSabre Veteran
    When I took and renewed them, I was allowed to read out loud.
  • personperson Don't believe everything you think The liminal space Veteran
    You should learn this from heart before going.

  • karastikarasti Breathing Minnesota Moderator
    I think all places/teachers are different, but when I did mine, we recited things but we were given a sheet to be able to read them. The teacher explained what it all meant ahead of time and he did the ceremony both in Tibetan and English.
  • For Thai temples lay, people are not usually expected to remember the words for chanting and reading them out loud from chanting books is the norm. Or sometimes the monk will lead you and pause to allow you to repeat the words after him.
  • DakiniDakini Veteran
    edited April 2013
    Gavin said:

    are they going to expect me to know the ceremony/words?

    No. They'll give you a text to read from. Often there's an English translation provided.

  • vinlynvinlyn Colorado...for now Veteran

    For Thai temples lay, people are not usually expected to remember the words for chanting and reading them out loud from chanting books is the norm. Or sometimes the monk will lead you and pause to allow you to repeat the words after him.

    Just curious...are you talking about Thai temples in Thailand or Thai temples in the West?

  • When I took Refuge and precepts I repeated the words after the Lama, I was also given text in English and Tibetan phonetics. But I don't think that you would have to remember the Text off by heart,

    As a lay practitioner just starting on the road to liberation and enlightenment we all have to start at the beginning and have to read off texts.
  • @vinlyn I'm talking about Thai temples in Thailand and abroad
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