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The Buddha Mind...Gatekeeper to the Third Eye?

The Buddha Mind makes way for Christ Consciousness....This is a little saying that came to me a couple of months help merge the two...I picture a red energy going in a circular motion in my head like a spiral and has all the junk in the mind is moved and transmuted then I see a blue energy come up through my body/mind and out my head and turns opposite of the red energy....Every time I think about the two...I see Buddha Way as masculine and the Christ Consciousnesses as feminine...Like male energy pushing back walls of illusion so ....the feminine spirit can flow through...Master the physical...and allow spirit to be free....

And when I feel the pressure on my third eye...I jokingly say..."Buddha get off my third eye"...feels like his waiting for something...I guess is my gatekeeper...I had a vision of him ...looking at me...all I saw was his face and it zoomed out...I said...Buddha! You going get off my third eye now...He says yea soon...and walks away...and he turns in to little Buddha...3 foot 4 foot Buddha...funny...don't know was cute...

Well this is my little mantra that helps me to combine the two...Just wanted to share it...


  • I once did a meditation where I stared at a small candle flickering out on our porch of our apartment. Then I blew the candle out and closed my eyes and watched the pattern from the light exposure on my eye until that went dark. I'm not sure what that relates to your two energies, but the flame and the afterglow both were related from the same cause and phenomena. And it was very peaceful I should do that again.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    I feel the pressure on my third eye
    I ask in all civility.
    What on earth are you talking about?
    I feel you have violated my chakras.
  • ? I am not sure what you mean....How have I violated your chakras...I was talking about mine...This is what I feel...Pressure on third eye...for me... shows that I am activating my third eye...If you eye opens prematurely....maybe to much for the person...For some people it takes turning a screw...
    ....(O maybe I should of said head ; - )...instead of third eye...) Maybe?
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited April 2013
    It sounds like in the first post you want to end the third eye pressure, but in the second post you see it as desirable. What's your intention with this meditation?

    This kind of question generally gets a good reception over at
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    ? I am not sure what you mean
    What does your 'fourth I' tell you? (if there is such a thing)

    What exactly is a third of an eye? I ask most respectfully, are you some sort of spiritual mutant? Is this some sort of new age comedy routine?

    You seem a genuinely sweet person but have been spending too much time with the chakra fondlers. I hope we can be friends. At least one of us will have to change.

    Maybe I could be a butterfly?
  • @lobster I know exactly the sensation he is describing. It is real, though there is nothing magical about it. It's quite common, and visualization-based meditation in particular seems to bring it on in my case.
  • lobsterlobster Crusty Veteran
    @lobster I know exactly the sensation he is describing.
    He? :)

    No doubt you do. What of it? You also make assumptions that I am unaware of spiritual sensationalism? I will send you some magical astral fairy dust . . . can you visualise it . . .

    Now what is gone? No pressure . . . :wave:
  • @lobster Yeah, "Just don't do that" isn't really an option for me. I've tried the "neti-neti" way, but there was still grasping, still suffering.

    Different people need different things. Some people need a little extra skill. For instance, I don't think Mooji's treatment of this depressed person was particularly skillful. Sure, everything he said is true, but would you rather be right, or would rather end suffering? He should be teaching the guy to cultivate joy and metta, not teaching him his problems are all imaginary (as true as that might be.)
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