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The Inevitable Evidence for God
I admire their dedication and commitment, but feel they do not do theism any favours. The God of @Silouan's post above would be my idea of a more meaningful metaphorical entity.
Chrysalid seems to think that because Hawking doesn't believe in God, God does not exist. As far as I've been able to find, Hawking is not a Buddhist, either. Hence, using Chrysalid's logic, Buddhism is wrong.
Einstein made a very few (as in a few sentences) favorable comments about the nature of Buddhism. But, as far as I can find, he was not Buddhist. According to Wikipedia: "According to biographer Walter Isaacson, Einstein was more inclined to denigrate disbelievers than the faithful. Einstein said in correspondence, "[T]he fanatical atheists...are like slaves who are still feeling the weight of their chains which they have thrown off after hard struggle. They are creatures who—in their grudge against the traditional 'opium of the people'—cannot bear the music of the spheres." Although he did not believe in a personal God, he indicated that he would never seek to combat such belief because "such a belief seems to me preferable to the lack of any transcendental outlook."
Suggest you also check out (as one example): http://www.adherents.com/people/100_Nobel.html
That doesn't mean there is a God, but if you want to throw names around, both sides can...and it proves nothing.
I wasn't name dropping at random you know, nor citing people for their theological position. In my post I was pointing out that in defense of a non-theistic origin to the universe we have both advanced scientific equipment (I cited powerful telescopes and CERN's hadron collider) and powerful theories from great minds, such as Einstein and Hawking to call upon. Compare that to what theists have to call upon.
That was the entirety of my point.
I'd also like to point out that I hold Jeffrey's view, live and let live. I'm not going to put forth my point of view unless someone starts a conversation about it now, vinlyn, take a look at the title of the thread...
To me, the idea of an absolute starting point makes no sense. But that doesn't mean there isn't some sort of universal spark of awareness. I think it may be precisely what we are evolving towards. Everything is the result of information being shared in one way or another and we have grown intelligent enough to start making sense and manipulate the intelligence that is already there. (Intelligence being information). I may have to as well.
To the prior point though, what if the universe itself is run on instinct and this instinct is evolving? It is said natural selection determines what thrives and what doesn't but what is it exactly that selects?
What if Brahman/Tao/God/the universe/us or whatever we call it is in the process of self discovery?
We truly could be the ones we've been waiting for all this time.
if you have gone all the way on the 8fold path, you can enter the brahmaic planes. So did i and in every meditation of the 8fold pathe i achieve it. He talks to me and so do i talk to him.
What do i need all these scienes, to proof that, if i can expererience it by myself.
This is the greatest science of all of them.
Here is my way of overthinking it. He is talking about the mathematical constants that define the material world/universe. However, the material world/universe is just an illusion - a buddhist would probably talk about about dukkha interdependence and annata, but you all know this. The delusion is that there is something material.
Now when you immerse yourself in the delusion taking measurements, etc. The deluded mind won't find anything that is not in line with it's thinking, as it is arising as observer and object dependent on each other. If those mathematical constants are wildly out from here there or anywhere, then this universe cannot exist, as it doesn't fit the math; and that will shatter the delusion, which is what deluded mind needs to exist, is it any wonder then that the porridge is just right? So if the deluded mind can find a way of positing its existence, and reference and prove it to something outside itself, god in this case, delusion reign's supreme, because god is inevitable according to scientists now.
Now who wants to hear one more bed-time story, before you go to sleep? It's called 'shattering delusions, by A. N. Atman' lol
And I think that asking science to prove or disprove God is a bit like asking science to prove or disprove Nirvana. And maybe even both are the same? There are plenty of Christian mystics who see similarities with Buddhism - Thomas Merton wasn't only a Trappist monk, but he spent years in dialogue with Zen teachers.
I've always had an interest in the psychology of religion - why people believe what they do. It seems to me that human existence is very precarious and uncertain, and that death as extinction is a source of great anxiety for many people. So from that point of view it's perhaps not surprising that people have sought comfort in ideas like God and the afterlife - in other words people have a great need to believe in something.
It doesn't prove that these ideas aren't true, but it raise some interesting questions.
With regards to soothing the anxiety of death, anxiety, like the passions, is rooted in attachment to a self, and I think there is an understandable assumption among some Buddhists that Christians believe taking comfort in God is related to a desire for the preservation of self or individual.
I have met many Christians who hold the view that person is synonymous with individual and the self is the soul and body, and that the soul is eternal even from traditions that teach that the soul is not eternal by nature and practice the letting go of this self-attachment through self-emptying where the mystery of person is revealed and experienced in dispassionate loving relationships and communion with others.
The human person, made in the image and likeness of God, can be reduced to nothing less than a mystery where death is transcended by personal relationship with God and not by some form of "survival" after death.
From Mark 8:35-"For whosoever will save his life shall lose it; but whosoever shall lose his life for my sake and the gospel's, the same shall save it."
This whole mystery of person and relationship may seem like non-sense to some, but I see some parallels with Parinibbana, which the Buddha said was difficult to express describing it as a flame that doesn’t burn. There is a sense of mystery about it, but it obviously can be spoken about and experienced otherwise why mention it. It seems to me it refers to the complete cooling of the burning passions similar to dispassion and perfect repose or rest experienced and spoken of in the Christian East.
Why are we so special though? Because we have consciousness and higher intelligence? Isn't this just why humans evolved? Other animals can think too (probably in ways that we can't even comprehend) and other animals do things better than us such as running, strength,etc.
If there is an intelligent designer that created the universe, how did he come to be? Wouldn't be like the successive russian dolls?
Also, we need math and science to understand the universe and has had profound implications such as helping people (such as medicine) and help us create tools to make our lives easier (technology), but isn't all this based on our understanding? What if what we are understanding is an illusion, but we wouldn't know it because we can't help but understand things a certain way? For example, we know that the universe is infinite and we are finite beings. I don't think we can really understand what infinite is if we are finite ourselves. We can use analogies to describe what infinite is, but can we really understand it? So, in relation to God (and scientific evidence for God), how do we really know that that's the evidence for God?
Thich Nhat Hanh gave a very interesting comparison in Living Buddha, Living Christ
"The final problem is more personal. If we are nothing but physical beings originating by chance in a random universe, then there really can be no ultimate purpose in our lives. This is not only bad news for us individually, it undermines the ethical and moral underpinnings of society and civilization."
this is nothing but conjecture its self. lame
@sean, if everything is conjecture then what is this world?
there is no world
in that case, there is no conjecture.