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Japanese, Chinese and Vedic/Hindu deities in Mahayana?
I know it's more prevalent in Vajrayana, but which of the aforementioned gods, if any, appear in the various Mahayana schools? Specifically the Japanese and Chinese schools?
The right answer to wrong questions is Noble Silence.
Thus have I not heard. :orange:
Normal static is now resumed . . .
--- His Holiness the Dalai Lama
I've recently begun the process of abandoning the practice of Hinduism. That is to say, the rituals, superstitions, must-do-must-not-do, which god is superior, which god is supreme, and so on. I'm returning to my panendeist inclinations, with the belief in deities I described.
At the risk of making a broad, sweeping and generalizing comment, I think most Buddhists who pray to deities or believe in them believe in them that way. Much as Catholics pray to saints for help, using their semi-divine powers.
OK, just a brainfart. :crazy: