Just wanted to put an invitation out there..... There is a group of us that travels to a monastery here in the Southern US.
It's located in Batesville, MS. It's centrally between TN, MS and AR. It's in the Zen tradition and is a meditation practice center ran by TNH.
-- https://www.facebook.com/magnoliagrovemonastery
-- http://magnoliagrovemonastery.org/
We do day trips for mindfulness. We spend the day there. Thursdays or Sundays. We meet up at a local Temple and carpool from there....Usually takes about an hour to get there. Retreat info is on the website....but if your interested in the day trips with us...PM me! Here is the schedule example for Sundays...
5:30am- Sitting meditation & chanting
7:00am - Breakfast
8:30am- Walking meditation
9:45am- Dharma talk
11:30am- Precepts recitation (1st Sunday - The Five Mindfulness Training, 3rd Sunday - The Fourteen Mindfulness Trainings)/ Dharma sharing (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays)
1:00pm - Formal lunch in the Rising Tide Meditation Hall (2nd, 4th, 5th Sundays)
Oh...there is also a retreat in Oct for people in 12 step programs....info is on the site....
Just let me know if your close enough to do the regular trips or a once in a while