Ashoka Mukpo, son of Chogyam Trungpa, a freelance journalist in western Africa, has been diagnosed with Ebola.
Shambhala Times:
ABC News:
Im glad to hear his prognosis is good. May he be well.
I think much depends on two things: The state and quality of the medical assistance and facilities available, and the general state of health and well-being of the person.
If both are good, then chances of recovery are much better.
I too wish him a positive and healthy improvement, and complete recovery.
The article I read said he is NOT the biological son of Chogyam, though. That Diana Mukpo had had an affair and that this man is the son of Michael Levy. But he was raised as Trungpa's son.
I had to check here if I understood correctly. I knew I recognized the name and couldn't place it immediately then I came to me. Crazy. I hope he does ok.
That said, the ebola news is getting to be too much and I wish it was easier to escape from listening about it without entirely withdrawing from the world, lol.
He is coming to the US along with the whole team of people he was working with. Ebola patients seem to get good treatment here. Which of course is good. But it is leading people to lie on their travel questionaires, apparently, when they are leaving Africa, in order to get to the US. I don't blame them. But I don't think the US (or anyone) is nearly as equipped to deal with such a thing as we are lead to believe. We should have been sending more help earlier, now it's run away and much harder to contain. Crazy world we live in.
@karasti: I think the current efforts will quash the epidemic . . . eventually. Getting supplies, personnel and support to the locations of the epidemic in Africa has been difficult. The infrastructure to deal with Ebola has never been there in the first place and it was a matter of time before it escaped the African continent
It is frightening, but remember it is not airborne (like influenza) so getting Ebola means you got body fluids from a person with active illness on your hands and then stuck your hands in your mouth before the Ebola virus died. Getting a virion or two up your nose won't infect you, you need a goodly number of them, fresh from a sick person and then ingested or absorbed before too many of the virions die.
That said I don't worry about Ebola for me or mine, but that is barely the point. I hope a lot is learned about the prevention of spread and treatment, including vaccination. In this day and age there is no excuse for us to not do better.
On this morning's news it was reported that Ashoka has been declared Eboloa-Free.
This is awesome news and I'd bet money he goes right back to Africa to continue his work.