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A Karma Comeuppance Conscience Cleanser
One never knows....You could be mine or I could be your Karma Comeuppance 
A most convenient conscience cleanser
Oh what fun we can have with each other...... 

Actually, that's a rather interesting concept in the cartoon.
True @vinlyn,
But I had to laugh when I first saw it though
Made me laugh too - but good humour often has an intriguing thought behind it.
I am grateful to those who trigger awareness of my faults in me and allow me to meditate on how I can progress, how I can be more skillful. But I have to say that my experience of karma is that if I do bad things to others, it catches up with me in the end! In my case, I learnt very young that this happened fast. I am one who always got caught out if I tried to pretend I hadn't done something I had. The first time I didn't get sussed, I felt worse than when I did! Would much rather do good, even if it's not all day long yet.
That's true Sarah, it pays to operate by skilful means all the time "For every action, there's a reaction"...
However have you ever noticed at times one may have no desire whatsoever to be rude or cause offence but one just can't stop oneself from saying something unwholesome anyway, it's as if we're bystanders looking on/listening to the words as they flow from our mouth-not being able to stop the flow...Perhaps that's karma at work and we are just a tool in its application...Some are spanner, some (like my self) are just plain 'nuts'
For me, the cartoon is just highlighting the mystical and paradoxical nature of karma and how intricate its workings...
Why do we do what we do ?