This 'Ye Olde' thread from yesteryear is due for revival . . .
As some may suspect I am prone to wrong thunking and thinking . . .
In fact too much thinking and not enough 'in the now' and non alignment, is I am sure, the basis of my Dukkha . . .
For example this morning I put the dishwasher on a fast cycle, with a full dishwasher tablet. This would be considered extravagant heresy but the knives were thin on the ground, we have a smaller diswasher and half tablets work . . . Whilst waiting for the cycle to end, rather than read 'The collected sayings of the Buddha - in his own words', which I don't have a copy of, probably because it has not been written . . . I polished the wood cupboards with lemon juice and olive oil mixture. Did no thinking. I haz plan.
What are your thoughts on wrong thinking . . . if such a thing is possible?
I think when not Mindful, probably the majority of thoughts are 'wrong thinking'.
Just be Mindful. Not Mind, Full.
Most of what I think is complete rubbish. But maybe realising that is a step forward!
What ever you think, it is wrong.
as a beginner, wrong thinking is a automatic thing for me, if I see someone dress bably and thinking 'what that person was thinking when leaving their house" ect.. and I have to constantly remind myself that I have to be mindful of my thoughts...
Wrong thinking takes me where I rather not be.
I think the idea of reviving the thread you alluded to in your OP, @lobster, is a bad one. I did write a paragraph in it about the gist of the ten categorizations and about some of the comments which, completely overlooking the value of the ten categories, sabotaged the thread by focussing on very narrow issues. (Political correctness is Satanic, as any true lover of humankind must surely know.)
But I deleted what I wrote when I discovered how old the thread was. Why rehash old unpleasantnesses? If there is a Hell, I am sure that no one ever sleeps and that the anguish that is borne there is the never/ending wakeful night of pained awareness.
Why not just begin each day afresh? That is the way of ladies and gentlemen.
Note: Only threads which began over a year ago, are considered 'old'.
"younger" threads are still viable.....
Still, I think less of people who bring up yesterday's unpleasantness.
I think I might be dressing bably. Certainly getting more smiles than usual.
However it might be that the original 8NT (Noble Truths) included 'Right Attire'.
Most of us are an extension of our thoughts. Are we dressed to kill, to attract, be innocuous or just for protection and convention?
I am fully shelled . . . and bably (a good word, possibly meaning 'open to judgement')
and now back to the thoughtless . . .
@Nirvana So is it "wrong" in a sense to bring up yesterday's unpleasant things, but ok to bring up the pleasant things? If we never went back to anything from the "before" here, we'd not get much discussing done since some else might not wake up and read this until their morning and by then it'll be my past, lol.
He said.
i'm sure you dress very nicely...
"Wrong" is "your" word, perhaps taken from the title of this unwelcome thread. ???
I am much more comfortable with "just the Ideas!" When you all get into the personal that's just not my style. Unless one is a servant, an employee, or a student to a Master, no one has the right to criticize. "KISS: Keep It Simple, Stupid" is best achieved by the impersonal route.
Ideas are one thing, but continuing to bring up things written by an unpolished hand at a bad hour is not an endearing quality, no matter what anyone says.
I thought the ten categories statement was well-intended from start to finish and was written for spiritual aspirants to look deeply within themselves. My teacher always taught that all human tendencies were in everyone, by Jove.
But the thing was that people's pet peeves just got in the way of giving it any appreciation, ruining the discourse. Well the thing just ought to be buried. Discourtesy wears many masks as does innocence, and it sure is hard as the present outlook in Europe to tell the difference sometimes.
Perhaps I should have used the word "resurrected."
Yes, I still think less of people who try to resurrect yesterday's unpleasantness.
Down in the South where I live this would never be considered a trivial statement. If it sounds trivial where you live, I feel sorry for you.
Nah. Too much christian overtone...
I feel sorry for you that you live in the south, so we're on equal ground there
We are personal, unique people. I would find debate that left that aspect out to be quite boring.
All that is known is pervaded by knowingness.
Thanks everyone,
. . . Good thing I am not on a phone or I would be unintelligible, which is my natural state to start with . . .
As we all know or suspect Buddhism has the potential for less woo-woo [a dharma technical term]
. . . however does that allow for a programable, step by step, path to enlightenment?
What thunk you?
I am of the view that there is no wrong thinking - and in the same light there may be just plain wrong interpretation.
Where on the spectrum are you - read, blew, yell 'ow' or green?
Don't know? or Just Glued?
Linear thinking provides a sensible contrast of, for e.g. Right v Wrong; Black v White; Male v Female and you know that that is how you view your world, isnt it? If not let me have the full force of it...
I am happy to live in My Adopted South, but No One here should feel herself obligated to exhibit her bad manners in defense of her liberty to do so.
I want to skip the chapter on Wrong Thinking for Beginners and move right on to Wrong Thinking for Advanced Practitioners.
Wrong thinking leads to more wrong thinking and eventually to dukkha.
Right thinking leads to more right thinking and eventually to the end of dukkha.