I don't know a thing about the man. He is a translator and Dzogchen teacher. He is coming to my town on a short retreat sponsored by my local sangha (not sponsored by my teacher or anything like that) and I am debating if I should go. It seems expensive, though no doubt paying for his ticket from Nepal wasn't cheap, it's like $175 for 2 days. In contrast, I went to a similar length retreat with Tony Duff who also came from Nepal and it was $100 for 3 days...
Anyhow, is anyone familiar with him? I have been resisting doing any Dzogchen retreat stuff with our local group (our leader is on the Dzogchen path and does very well understanding it) because I do not feel ready. I am still working on preliminaries. I read along with some pages online and it's still very foreign to me and I have reservations about just any random person teaching it, though I'm not really sure why. I think I would prefer to get into it with my teacher because he'll know where I am at and better if I am ready. So I am not sure if there is any value to me in going to this retreat, especially when it is right before my son's graduation which will cost an arm and a leg already, lol.
Anyone ever read any of his books or anything?
I have read Masters of Mahamudra several times. It is about great siddhas who practice whilst being prostitutes, Kings, outcastes etc. So there is hope even for those wondering if dharma is worth the cost.
Yep. Always. Go.