Any subscribers on here?
The channel is about yoga, meditation and mindfulness with motivational films, series of talks and general mind development stuff. I'm interested in adding it to my Prime Video membership and wondering if anyone has anything to say about it?
I'm afraid I wouldn't know where to find it, let alone look for it....
Link if you're interested:
Oh right. Prime.
No, I like to K.I.S.S - everything....
Gaiam is a company that's been in the yoga and meditation business for a very long time. their methods aren't really for me. Not that they are bad, they just aren't what work best for me. I tried so many Rodney Yee videos over the years, I can't finish a single one, lol. Kind of depends on your focus, too. For me, it is mostly yoga as I don't do a lot of guided meditations and what little I do I find via my teacher (who I subscribe to) or on apps. But Gaiam has been around a loooong time and have a solid base of fans. You might find a lot to use there.
I've had the Gaia trial but decided not to continue with membership, the content wasn't what I had hoped it would be.
However, I have watched two interesting movies this weekend on Amazon Prime that I can recommend to you. They are 'Tashi and the Monk' and 'Thomas Keating: A Rising Tide of Silence'.