I was just wandering through the forum, and came across this year-old thread, and thought I would quote it instead of acquiring the dreaded “necro” tag from adding to it. We need more threads about the Zen-ness of things, darn it.
A few days ago, we learned that the elderly woman who lived alone a few doors over from us had died. So we got permission to take a look around the garden for a few things we might take before the property is cleared and put up for sale. We came away with a little wooden shed (which was rather a strain on my arms and back to transport it to our garden), a birdhouse, a few stones and a moss-covered Buddha statue.
These things are now sitting by the olive tree in our back garden, which is a bit of a desert of decking and patio area. It looks vaguely zennish to see the old wooden items there. It’s caused a little conflict because the birdhouse has fallen over, it’s legs turned out to be rotten, and my elderly stepfather wanted to saw it to pieces while my mother wishes to attempt to rescue it.
"New beginnings are disguised as painful endings"
~Lao Tzu~
Similar to "The joyful strains of the first 'Hello', always echo with the woeful lament of the last 'goodbye'.."
Our new Buddha statue, donated by the dead lady…
And the fallen birdhouse… our garden seems to gather lots of leaves in the autumn