I remember when I was starting with my buddhism about six years ago. My first contact was an introductory course given by a lay member at a temple, and he gave a great exposition of what Buddhism was all about, the kind of concepts you would encounter. It seemed pretty good to me.
The thing is, as a beginner I was very open. Everything was new, and there was something to be had from every session or course. So I just went and did things. Local temples and societies are a great resource for beginners, I think.
As soon as you’ve read a few books and you think you know, you don’t accept things so easily anymore. So I would say just try things.
What do you think is a good way to start with buddhism?
Be discerning. Be objective. See what resonates. Question everything.
Best use of a beginners mind is....
keeping it.
A good way to start with Buddhism is to seek it out for oneself.
A seeking eye may have less dust than an unseeking eye.
First familiarise oneself with The 4NTs through books and videos from different schools/traditions...
Afterwhich (and if that way inclined)... find a teacher or teachers, virtual or in person ....