I caught mine being short with me this morning so I sat it down and let it know all's well.
It can relax. It's safe.
I won't berate it or criticize or belittle or chase it.
It's free to flow in it's favorite way.
Which for me is a long exhale with a peaceful pause at the bottom.
After a bit of trust building, we're on good terms now.
How's your breathing today?
It’s funny, I have real difficulty being aware of my breathing when I’m busy doing other things. When I become aware of my breath, I notice its always shallow when I’m relaxed, it rarely goes deep. It’s like I’m using the minimum amount of oxygen. When I breathe consciously, my breathing always becomes deeper.
Reminds me of my shoulder. It's always tensed up when I'm not paying it any attention. Like..whatcha doin' shoulder? Why you working so hard?