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latest interviews with Noam Chomsky

Shoshin1Shoshin1 Sentient BeingOceania Veteran

I found this quite interesting....

Noam Chomsky's Latest Interview on American Empire with Matt Kennard ( Declassified UK )

Chomsky frequently argues that the United States behaves as an imperial power, exerting its influence through economic, military, and political means. He often points out how the U.S. seeks to maintain its global dominance, which he terms as "American Empire," by intervening in other countries' affairs, supporting coups, or destabilizing governments that oppose U.S. interests.

Chomsky has consistently criticized U.S. military interventions around the world, from the Vietnam War to the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. He argues that these actions are often justified under the guise of promoting democracy or fighting terrorism, but in reality, they are aimed at protecting U.S. economic interests and geopolitical influence.

Chomsky frequently points out the role of economic policies and institutions like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in maintaining U.S. dominance. He argues that these entities often impose neoliberal economic policies on developing nations, which benefit multinational corporations and the wealthy while undermining local economies and sovereignty.

Another key aspect of Chomsky's critique is the role of the media in supporting U.S. imperial ambitions. He often discusses how mainstream media outlets propagate narratives that align with the interests of political and economic elites, thereby shaping public perception and minimizing dissent against U.S. foreign policy.

Chomsky frequently highlights the contradiction between the U.S.'s stated commitment to democracy and human rights and its support for authoritarian regimes and human rights abuses when it serves its interests. He argues that the U.S. often backs dictatorships or oppressive governments if they align with American geopolitical and economic goals.

Chomsky also raises concerns about how the U.S. prioritizes corporate interests over environmental protection, contributing to global climate change. He often links environmental degradation to broader themes of imperialism and capitalism.

Chomsky frequently highlights the human rights implications of U.S. support for Israel. He argues that U.S.-supplied military aid is often used in actions that violate the rights of Palestinians, such as military incursions, collective punishment, and the suppression of protests. He calls for the U.S. to adopt a more balanced approach that respects the rights and dignity of both Israelis and Palestinians.

He has an amazing mind, a walking, talking encyclopedia on world politics... I never tire listening to his wise, insightful words...

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