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Member's picture thread :(

BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
edited June 2005 in
We had a database error today and it appears that the member picture thread was a casualty of the error :(

Sorry folks, looks like we'll have to recreate the thread.


  • edited June 2005

    Now I understand why I could not access the thread. I wanted to read a post but received an error message saying the thread was not named or something like that. Anyway, I wasn't able to access it. Thanks for explaining the problem! :) By the way, can you explain again how to post a picture? LOL! I had a brain freeze---DUH!

    Adiana :):lol::lol:
  • BrianBrian Detroit, MI Moderator
    edited June 2005
    LInk to the new one :)
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