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Prayers and Support



  • federicafederica Seeker of the clear blue sky... Its better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to speak out and remove all doubt Moderator
    edited August 2009
    It sucks, doesn't it?
    Impermanence is a painful arrow to bear, and it would be nice to pull it out, and heal as quickly as possible.....

    Don't analyse, don't question, don't sit and wonder, don't blame, don't carry it for too long.....

    Enjoy your baseball..... I played it on wii the other night, and I'm demon, I tell you.....:p

    Take care, nomad. ((hugs))
  • edited August 2009
    Thank you both for the kind words. A little distraction for a while and a constant devotion to reading Dhamma texts has made my transition bearable. I’m also fortunate to have this forum and Dhamma Wheel to read and keep me entertained/informed.
    And Fed...I've never played baseball on Wii, but I have heard a lot of people talk about how much fun it is. Maybe someday I'll give it a try...until then...I'm stuck with my Xbox 360 ;)

  • edited October 2009
    Had a lunch date with a beautiful and insanely intelligent woman today. One of the best days of my life…hands down.

    BTW...Post 100! :D

  • edited November 2009
    Could i have prayers please, for my darling Katie hamster, who died yesterday morning. She was old age for a hamster, and i knew it was enevitable, i have been here many times before, but the loss has left me heartbroken.
    I pray for Katies peace and rebirth.

  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited November 2009
    Please add my prayers and wishes for Katie's beneficial rebirth, dear Susie. You can certainly take comfort in the knowledge that you gave her and so many others a beautiful life. Remember to allow yourself to feel whatever you need to feel for however long you need to feel it and know that these sad feelings are impermanent. If you can, observe these thoughts and feelings and get to know them. This will be fruitful for your practice and will go a long way to reducing your suffering which is my wish for you.

    Much love and sympathy,
  • edited November 2009
    Thank you so much Boo,
    you're very kind
    Katie knows :)

  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited December 2009
    Can you please remember in your prayers and offerings today my wife Sarah who is in hospital for a back operation. It has the snappy title of "Gill Laminectomy Bilateral L5 foranimenting - Posteriolateral fusion L5/S1" which basicallyt means that they are going to open her lower back and fuse two cracked/slipped vertebrae.

    Thank you.
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited December 2009
    Good luck to both of you, Simon.
  • edited December 2009
    A aspirational thanksgiving to the Triple Gem for 2009

    Namo Buddhaya, Namo Dharmaya, Namo Sanghaya

    Thank you for the time when my life was nearly lost by wanting to walk into speeding traffic but that sudden spur jolted me back
    Thank you for the time when I gained much inner Dharma strength to face a failing decade old relationship and partner
    Thank you for the time when I could keep my parents from signing their divorce papers and stop throwing the frying pan at each other
    Thank you for the time when I was in Taiwan, when I stared at the Great Buddha statue in a monastery, that finally I could let go of a decade old hatred and aversion when I heard a whisper..."Let's been too long"
    Now only to work on the forgetting part...
    Thank you for the constant reminders to be kind and compassionate
    Thank you for the strength and will to finally call it a day before this year is up to actualize the final withdrawal from the online Buddhist world and return back to contemplation.
    Thank you for the affinity created here, to learn from all, the privilege to post my thoughts, composing my final post and thanksgiving to Thee and to all who have known and tolerated me.
    May all needs and wishes expressed in this thread be fulfilled and met accordingly.
    May this Forum site be a field of blessings to all who encounter it.
    May all be well and happy.

    duhkha, anitya, anatman, nirvāṇa Sadhu!Sadhu!Sadhu!
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited December 2009
    I'm thinking of you both, Simon, and sending my deepest wishes for a fast and complete recovery for Sarah.

  • edited May 2010
    To start this off:

    Will you hold in your prayers and positive thoughts of support our brothers and sisters in Australia as they come to terms with the death and disaster of the bush fires?
    Hi learned audience, there are animals like insects etc also died from bush fires. Please hold in your prayers of positive thoughts for them :wow:as well.
  • edited May 2010
    Can i please have some prayers for my gran she been having chest pains
    but wont go into the hospital she refuses to get help

  • edited May 2010
    Ella wrote: »
    Can i please have some prayers for my gran she been having chest pains
    but wont go into the hospital she refuses to get help


    Sending my good wishes and loving thoughts to your Gran, Ella. I hope you can call in a GP to examine her.

    Kind regards,

    Dazzle _/\_

  • edited June 2010
    My mother just passed away on Saturday (20/6) due to a sudden heart attack which she had no history of before. We just had the funeral today. I only hope that she passed on well to the other world for now since I believe she had not yet reached enlightenment.
  • BrigidBrigid Veteran
    edited June 2010
    Oh babystars!

    I'm so sorry about the loss of your mother. It must have been a great shock being so sudden like that. My heart goes out to you and your family. Much sympathy to you.
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    edited June 2010
    Hey babystars,

    I never really know what to say to people in times like these.

    I send you my sympathies and best wishes...

    With Metta

  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited June 2010
    Babystars, you and your family are definitely in my prayers and well wishes. **hug**
  • seeker242seeker242 Zen Florida, USA Veteran
    edited July 2010
    For a friend, Jeff Minde and his father. His dad died four months ago today.

    Homage to Amita Bul, the Buddha of Infinite Time
    and Infinite Space

    Homage to Kwan Seum Bosal and Tae Sae Ji Bosal,
    the great attendant bodhisattvas

    Homage to In Ro Wang Bosal who guides the deceased

    In this world of impermanence, we offer this ceremony
    to the deceased. Further, we make dharma offerings to all
    spirits, those above and below, those who have found
    rest and those who are still wandering. Also, for all
    tormented spirits and all beings in the hell realms.

    The four elements disperse as in a dream. The six dusts,
    six roots and consciousness are originally emptiness. To
    understand that, the Buddha and the eminent teachers
    return to the place of light: The sun is setting over the
    western mountains, the moon is rising in the east.

    Homage to the Western Pure Land, a world of utmost
    bliss. The Buddha’s body is long and wide. Its auspicious
    marks are without boundary and its golden color
    shines brightly, pervading the whole universe.

    Great love and great sadness are our original teacher.
    Homage to Amita Bul, the Buddha of Infinite Time and
    Infinite Space.

    Namu amita bul
    Namu amita bul
    Namu amita bul
    Namu amita bul
    Namu amita bul
    Namu amita bul
    Namu amita bul
    Namu amita bul
    Namu amita bul
  • SimonthepilgrimSimonthepilgrim Veteran
    edited September 2010
    Today, 2 Sept., Israel and the Palestinians start new talks.

    May all beings know peace and the sources of peace.
  • edited October 2010
    Namo Tassa Bhagavato Arahato Sammā Sambuddhassa. Itipi so bhagavā, Araham, sammā Sambuddho, vijjācarana sampanno, sugato, lokavidū, anuttaro purisadhamma sārathi, satthā devamanussānam, Buddho, bhagavāti.

    Svākkhāto bhagavatā dhammo, sandiţţhiko akāliko ehipassiko,
    opanayiko paccattam veditabbo viññūhiti

    Supatipanno bhagavato sāvakasangho
    Ujupaţipanno bhagavato sāvakasangho
    Ñāyapaţipanno bhagavato sāvakasangho
    Sāmīcipaţipanno bhagavato sāvakasangho
    Yadidam cattāri purisayugāni
    Attha purisapuggalā esa bhagavato sāvakasangho
    Āhuneyyo pāhuneyyo dakkhineyyo añjalīkaranīyo
    Anuttaram puññakkhettam lokassāti

    After chanting, I dedicate this merit to every one in this world. Sadhu Sadhu.
  • edited November 2010
    May all beings be happy content and fulfilled.
    May all be healed and whole,
    May all have whatever they want and need,
    May all be protected from harm and free from fear,
    May all beings enjoy inner peace and ease
    May all be awakened, liberated and free,
    May there be peace in this world, and throughout the entire universe.

    So does the thread exist? I just decided to post here.
    Om mani padme hung!

  • edited November 2010
    I'm filled with so much dukkha right now. Can somebody please direct some metta this way? Thanks, and metta to all of you.
  • johnathanjohnathan Canada Veteran
    edited November 2010
    SteadyBlue: Tons of Metta coming your way...

    I've cranked the Metta-llica and ordered a Metta-eorite to strike you when you least expect it today... All is impermanent... things will change... I am going through a rough time right now as well, with a separation and the loss of my children daily in my life... Dukkha is everywhere... But it will pass...

    with metta,

  • TreeLuvr87TreeLuvr87 Veteran
    edited November 2010
    Metta to all of you
  • edited November 2010
    johnathan wrote: »
    SteadyBlue: Tons of Metta coming your way...

    I've cranked the Metta-llica and ordered a Metta-eorite to strike you when you least expect it today... All is impermanent... things will change... I am going through a rough time right now as well, with a separation and the loss of my children daily in my life... Dukkha is everywhere... But it will pass...

    with metta,

    :lol: Metta-llica! That made my day. Metta to you as well, and thanks for the kind words.
  • My feet are so painful today!

    I have a condition which has resulted in permanent damage to my Achilles tendons on both feet, and nerve damage which leads to constant pain (Ehler-Danlos Syndrome Type III, if anyone's medical). I've been gradually rehabilitating over the last two years and recently have been able to walk a few hundred yards with bearable pain.

    However, I should have known things weren't going to go well today when I said to my daughter "I don't think I should use my disabled badge for parking - I'm practically back to normal now"

    Well 2 hours of shopping later (we were buying clothes) my feet started to ache. Then throb and now, despite five different types of pain killer (I'm on three regularly but had to take extra) I'm in terrible pain. My hands and shoulders also hurt - the pain seems to spread.

    I'm OK - the pain will pass and probably I'll crash out in a bit and feel better in the morning. However, it's hard not to feel sorry for myself in the meantime.

    I just wanted to share this with you because I feel upset and a little despairing that I'll never get my life "back" as it was. I so miss being healthy, going to the gym, going shopping, going on long walks with the dogs and working on my karate (I did karate as a sport but had to give it up as my bones and joints are too weak). Chronic illness is a hard master. I'd value your prayers.
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