Hi all,
Again, I was out at another site reading posts from people about alcohol...
Some people were talking about how the smell of alcohol sickens them and that they would never drink. Others say that they were very thankful that they didn't drink and were so happy that "they" can follow this precept of Buddha.
Some people did make some posts, that I personally agree with, about how "refraining from intoxication" just didn't deal with alcohol. In case some of you here didn't know - drugs can affect your ability of "clarity of thought"
So, then I immediately got out my soap-box (like I so often do) and started wondering if these people take hydrocodone when they finish with a nasty visit from the dentist? Or Laughing Gas while at the doctors office? Or all the other medications that cloud your ability to think clearly or concentrate. I've taken drugs that really didn't ease any suffering, but still made me feel nausious - thus clouding my ability to think clearly or concentrate.
So, what's worse? Having a glass or two of wine or a beer with a healthy dinner that doesn't cause you to lose your clarity of thought or....
Eating a huge meal that leaves you feeling bloated and so uncomfortable that you can't meditate? or...
Taking medication that while may ease suffering, still causes you to lose clarity of thought and ability to concentrate - or just makes you lose consciousness.
What if you're hospitalized with a serious injury? Is it better break a precept by being given pain medication so that you lose the ability to concentrate, your clarity of thought even your ability to meditate - just because you've been in a car accident or have cancer that is causing you enormous amounts of pain?
What are your thoughts?
If you do not believe that you are capable of making a skillful decision in the matter, refrain from anything. (i.e. you are unable to stop, you just want to get high, etc.)
If you believe you are capable of using medicine and/or alcohol skillfully then use in moderation and be mindful of your actions. (i.e. one drink, vicodin from the dentist, etc.)
I choose to refrain from everything because I myself have abused these things in the past. I do not feel I have adequate discernment in this matter.
In this situation though, I have a two month wait until my teeth can be removed. The pain is unbearable now, and I don't want to be on tramadol for the next two months. I know that I have a strong mind, nut what if my body becomes reliant on this stuff?
Adiana :smilec: :smilec: :wavey: :wavey:
I think taking something knowing that you're not doing it for addictions sake - I think that's a totally different idea.
I think Buddha believed that if you had a condition requiring a physician - you should go see a physician.
If you're taking drugs or alcohol just to become innebriated - I think that's something different.
I was just reading posts by people that, I felt, were being too militant about things.
Last night I went to dinner with my girlfriend and had two glasses of wine with my pasta dinner at an Italian restaurant. Was I messed up? Unclear of thought? No.
But, if I had a problem with alcohol - you can bet I wouldn't be drinking.
You can also be sure that when I go under the knife with a surgeon - I'm going to be taking something to knock me out.
I think it all comes down to being realistic and keeping the precepts of Buddha in mind when doing whatever it is you're doing.
Because of this painkiller I am able to excersise and do things that a lot of people take for granted. I am getting back into shape a little at a time and my doctor has dropped my dosage a little. I am using less and less all the time. I still have bad days of course where I need more but I am very mindful of what I take. Once I drop enough weight and get into shape I may not need them but for now I cannot function without them. I used to take them before my neck surgery and then I stopped for about a year and a half. I had no problems getting off them. I also didn't have to work in that time. When I had to go back to work my body gave out over the course of 2 months. I wasn't able to do anything but lay down all day and then struggle at work. I was taking 15 advil a day just to take the edge off. Now I take 3-4 pills a day and I am fine. I sometimes take a muscle relaxer before bed. So in my situation the medication does not affect me mentally. I go through physical withdrawls but I am aware of what is going on with my body. Sometimes I do not take a pill if i am done working for the day. If I know I am going to have to do some heavy work i take one. The bad thing is that if I take one too late at night I am up all night. One day I hope I will be off them or at least only have to take one once in a while on bad days. For now I am living a more productive life. I look at it as a crutch until I am well enough to not need it anymore. My back will never heal so I have to strengthen everything around it. This is why I do so much Taebo and I have to really work on my eating habits.
As far as drinking I stopped about 5 years ago before Buddhism. I only drank once in a while. The reason I stopped was because I didn't see the point in it. That's funy since I am a Drunnken Fighter.
LOL! That's a good one. Thanks.