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I am having my wisdom teeth out today. Finally. I have an ear infection and my balance is out of whack. I am so happy that I will be relieved of these darned teeth. :rocker: :rockon:

Wish me luck, I am terrified of General anaesthetic!!!!
BTW, general is nothing to be scared of. I had it for my boob reduction. The chance of, well, dying is very very very low with current drugs and technology. I'm sensitive to drugs, though, so I did puke after waking up - but I was so drugged I didn't even care.
Emmak, When you fall over just put your hands down. :smilec:
Hope it all went OK and you're not too swollen - I looked like I'd gone several rounds with Tyson when I had mine out !!
I had them knock me out. The doc said, "Count from 100 to zero..."
Next thing I know - I'm waking up!
If you do opt for the "knock out" method - there is something they can give you to alleviate the nausea from the "knock out" process. And, you have to have someone that can drive you home.
Elohim you are just too tough. I could not have been awake for that. Eeew.
Comic you probably don't have any pain cos you ar on painkillers anyway - LOL!
I cannot beleive humans have noe evolved into not growing stupid wisdom teeth by now. They are way overrated! On the whole, I am feeling remarkably well. This is good, as I am a pain when I am sick...
You're right. They're a throwback to the times when the rest of your molars had either broken or worn out - then voila! you have extra chompers coming in in the back!
I'm glad you went "out". I've heard horror stories about some that they had to break and wrenching your head back and forth to get the buggars out.
That's probably because you're so dainty and girlie. Little teeny-weeny, princess like wisdom teeth. In fact, you probably only had "knowledge teeth".
Mine? Having a head like an ogre - I think they had to use a sledgehammer on my face.
Hi Emmak,
I am glad that you came through it all right. Don't feel bad---I detest going to the dentist myself! I have had my wisdom teeth out and I was a a big baby about it, too! LOL!
Adiana :smilec: :smilec:
Don't feel bad for crying when you woke up. It might have just been a side effect from the anaesthesia. I know I cried when I had my surgery recently. Did they gas you before giving you the IV? I got really panicked when I laid down for my surgery, but they gave me the gas and I was like, "IV, cool...."
Yeah. I must admit I was freaked by it too at first. I felt like I couldn't breathe or something. That was over pretty fast, though. Once the gas hit my brain I thought I was falling asleep even though they hadn't put the IV in yet. About once a minute (probably more often but everything seemed kind of slow) I would be like, "whoa, they aren't doing anything yet. Hmmm....want to sleep. Hope they put the IV in soon so I can get some Zzzzzzzzsssssss."