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Buddhism and Sex?



  • edited February 2010
    Redsaint wrote: »
    Buddha taught selflessness (non-selfishness). I think sex or my desire for sex for my own pleasure stems from just that, the desire for my own pleasure, and it comes down to craving/selfishness. But sex in, say, a committed relationship, where I am not having sex to please myself, but to please my wife/partner/whatever is a more correct way to look at sexual desire. And in seeking to please my wife and make her happy, i too am pleased and made happy. When we have the desire for our own self, then often times when we can't get sex, we are not content, we are suffering. But if we can eliminate the selfish desire behind it, and embrace the loving (devotion to another) aspect of it, it becomes something more wholesome, more fulfilling. And when it is understood in this way, it becomes not sexual desire, for that is gone, but it becomes the devotion to enriching someone else's experience of life, which enriches our own, and maybe others' through this understanding in a less direct way as well.

    That makes a lot of sense.
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