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edited March 2010 in Buddhism Basics
I am appalled at the censorship that goes on here. Can I have a moderator to assist with this please?

Its like a fascist state rather than a Buddhist forum:(


  • edited March 2010
    jesus died for his own sins
    not mine
  • DhammaDhatuDhammaDhatu Veteran
    edited March 2010
    these conditions among human beings
    are inconstant, impermanent, subject to change.

    Knowing this,
    the wise person, mindful,
    ponders these changing conditions.

    Desirable things don't charm the mind,
    undesirable ones bring no resistance.
    His welcoming & rebelling are scattered,
    gone to their end, do not exist.

    Knowing the dustless, sorrowless state,
    he discerns rightly, has gone,
    beyond becoming,
    to the Further Shore.

    Lokavipatti Sutta: The Failings of the World

  • edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    I am appalled at the censorship that goes on here. Can I have a moderator to assist with this please?

    Its like a fascist state rather than a Buddhist forum:(

    You will have to give examples.
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited March 2010
    You are on a privately owned and operated forum, as such you play by whatever rules the forum owners put in place. If you are finding posts removed or yourself otherwise "censored" then you obviously have violated the rules.
  • edited March 2010
    You will have to give examples.

    I have had 3 threads closed or censored because they shine a light on the elephant in the room.

    Anyways... I am more calm now than after the last bout.

    Onwards and upwards..
  • edited March 2010
    we must expel samsara from the three great universes, and then onto the 400 little ones, and who knows onto what ones next, samsara though, like a serpent in the cabinet, hiding, and the dark clouds that shoot out when you open it, demon you can't catch, demon to haunt all corners
  • edited March 2010
    we must expel samsara from the three great universes, and then onto the 400 little ones, and who knows onto what ones next, samsara though, like a serpent in the cabinet, hiding, and the dark clouds that shoot out when you open it, demon you can't catch, demon to haunt all corners

    That's some Jumbo Mumbo you am peddlin' there;)
  • edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    Its like a fascist state rather than a Buddhist forum:(

  • edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    That's some Jumbo Mumbo you am peddlin' there;)
    i have a PhD in madness from the university of einstein biomechanics, and i also have a masters in tonguetwisterology that i got from an outhouse; imagiquantum acidhole polarbuzz in my left shoe with a tongue twistin of its own, IT'S gold, says AYE, ok HAHA yeah jumbo mumbo is my mamma and my grampa bobba bompkya, you only discern motion when in a plane of relativity?
  • edited March 2010
    Kikujiro wrote: »

    LOL! :)

    First they will start censoring Buddhist forums and you may laugh, but when they move to the New Age and Wiccan Forums, you will know you stood by while the spiritual Nazis rampaged through our liberties!:P

    I jest;)
  • StaticToyboxStaticToybox Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    I have had 3 threads closed or censored because they shine a light on the elephant in the room.

    Anyways... I am more calm now than after the last bout.

    Onwards and upwards..

    That most recent thread had more than ran it course and had it continued would have just kept going and going in endless, unproductive circular arguments. If the other two threads were anything like it then it's not hard to see why they were closed.
  • edited March 2010
    Takeahnase wrote: »
    That most recent thread had more than ran it course and had it continued would have just kept going and going in endless, unproductive circular arguments. If the other two threads were anything like it then it's not hard to see why they were closed.

    Utter rubbish, really. Who is to decide when a thread is run? There were still interesting chats in that.

    The rebirth delusion leads to censorship, its very unbuddhist. Period.
  • edited March 2010
    I think I know why Buddha stayed out of the some arguments. Whatever he said he knew he would not change the others mind. Nor they his.
    MatSalted let me say I 100 % agree with your argument. However now it is only increasing your suffering. It is also making some other people suffer, those who see rebirth as mystical are becoming worked up. It is filling the board with egos verging on anger. This is most certainly un-Buddhist.
  • edited March 2010
    tony67 wrote: »
    It is also making some other people suffer, those who see rebirth as mystical are becoming worked up.

    I am sure that all Buddhists would agree that the dissolution of delusions is a key part of Dharma practice, in a sense that is The Noble Eightfold Path.

    I believe that Rebirth is a delusion, as do you.

    I believe the Buddha taught it was Delusion, you may not.

    Either way, Rebirth either is or is not a Delusion, there is no "half-rebirth."

    I want to discuss these issues with other Buddhists, they are important to me.

    I don't wan't to tell anyone what they should believe, but I want to be able to talk about what I believe without being insulted, censored, silenced or accused of unwholesome motives, all of which I am here, repeatedly.

    So what should I do?

    Much metta,

  • edited March 2010
    Even my smiles get accused of being malign:(
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    I have had 3 threads closed or censored because they shine a light on the elephant in the room.
    That's true, but the elephant is not what you think it is. It is much closer to home...
  • edited March 2010
    fivebells wrote: »
    That's true, but the elephant is not what you think it is. It is much closer to home...

    I am happy for there to be more than one elephant.

    I am happy to admit I may be deluded on many things.

    Why are you not happy to discuss my rebirth delusion?

    Why does it make you aggressive?

    Why does it make you insult someone you don't even know?
  • edited March 2010
    MatSalted your belief in showing people the error of their ways seeming to be leading you down the path of fundamentalism. By this I mean you by opening multiple threads on rebirth you are trying to force your (and my) view on others. Isn't the only way the show the view then leave people to make up their own mind.
    Isn't the very fact the people are (at least in your view) insulting you showing that your karma is having a very disturbing effect on those around you.

    I'm sure if a new poster said I don't understand rebirth/non-self, and your aired you views the thread would not be closed.
  • edited March 2010
    tony67 wrote: »
    MatSalted your belief in showing people the error of their ways seeming to be leading you down the path of fundamentalism. By this I mean you by opening multiple threads on rebirth you are trying to force your (and my) view on others. Isn't the only way the show the view then leave people to make up their own mind.
    Isn't the very fact the people are (at least in your view) insulting you showing that your karma is having a very disturbing effect on those around you.

    I'm sure if a new poster said I don't understand rebirth/non-self, and your aired you views the thread would not be closed.

    No, this is a buddhist discussion forum not a temple.

    I dont go attacking other peoples views. I want to discuss my admittedly controversial views and doubts.

    I am not the one being a fundamentalist here.

    I would be happy with one thread to disucss this in, my threads keep getting closed etc, hence why I start up new ones.

    All I am trying to force is an open discussion about the rebirth as delusion.
  • edited March 2010
    Why don't you ask the admin to make a sticky at the top on concepts / ideas of rebirth. It seems to be something that keeps cropping up and is important to lots of people from both ends of the spectrum. Also this is a beginners forum. And one of the first things beginners ask is ...
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    Why are you not happy to discuss my rebirth delusion?
    Because it's worse than useless. Your pontifications achieve nothing but a sense of personal superiority. Because it's personally embarassing that you are using cosmological views approximately similar to mine as a framework for acting like a domineering asshole. Because you don't actually want to discuss anything. You just want your views to be heard, and you don't respond openly to alternative points of view.
    MatSalted wrote: »
    Why does it make you aggressive?

    Why does it make you insult someone you don't even know?
    Because people (including me) have tried politely discussing these things at length with you, and you have ignored, summarily dismissed, and willfully misunderstood them. (At least, either it was willful, or contrary views turn you into some kind of an idiot.) Because willful ignorance of threatening information is a practice I hold in utter contempt as the most destructive form of cowardice.
  • edited March 2010
    fivebells wrote: »
    Because it's worse than useless.Your pontifications achieve nothing but a sense of personal superiority.

    I can see why you say that, really I can. I come here and I am pretty much saying "Buddhism has been wrong for hundreds of years, ebirth is delusion and the Buddha taught this."

    That's a bold claim for sure, and I am bound to take flack for it.

    But again, what should I do? Just shut -up and not discuss the Dharma I have dedicated my life to with others who have?

    I am sorry, I cant do that. It seems wrong.
    a domineering asshole.

    Yes yes, again, I can see why you would say that. All i can say is you misread me. But if I cant even get you to doubt anything I am hardly going to convince you or anyone that I have much more humility than you assume.

    I have offered to speak with as a person on the phone or internet but you refuse, prefering to hide away behind unfounded slander. its a real shame.
    Because you don't actually want to discuss anything.

    That is just lies. I have tried just asking questions and truied to show from first principles and all the time I get all this nastyness.
    Because willful ignorance of threatening information is a practice I hold in utter contempt as the most destructive form of cowardice.

    What am I ignorant of about rebirth? You cant tell me.

    What am I a coward about? Again you wont be able to tell me.

  • skydancerskydancer Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    I have had 3 threads closed or censored because they shine a light on the elephant in the room.

    Anyways... I am more calm now than after the last bout.

    Onwards and upwards..

    Do you practice Buddhist meditation? Why are you here?
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    What am I ignorant of about rebirth? You cant tell me.
    This question reflects the very ignorance you practice. You think you know everything about rebirth. Fine. But people have pointed out -- over and over again -- that your reasoning about the matter is unconvincing, merely a series of unsupported assertions reinterpreting the 4NT. I pointed this out to you when you first showed up, and I ought to be part your most receptive audience, because I don't accept the conventional rebirth doctrine. And the thread you're complaining about was shut down precisely because you won't give a convincing argument. And you won't acknowledge this, instead you retreat into rhetoric and logical fallacies. I know there is no more convincing argument to give. I know the arguments for rebirth are no more convincing. At this point it doesn't matter. You've said your piece, many times, and you get the same result each time. Try something else.
    MatSalted wrote: »
    What am I a coward about? Again you wont be able to tell me.
    That you're not going to have the impact you hoped for, with this line of attack. That you're not being taken seriously, even by the people who ought to be your allies in this matter. Failing to acknowledge these realities and adapt accordingly is self-destructive cowardice.
  • edited March 2010
    sky dancer wrote: »

    Do you practice Buddhist meditation?

    Yes, though not very well. I prefer chanting, but will keep trying with med as I have been.

    Why are you here?

    I will give you two answers for that:

    I am a troll who gets some kind of kick out of telling buddhists that they are wrong and and just winding them up. It is so much more fun that Xbox.

    I am a life-long philospopher who loves to philosophise, it is what I am, what I do. I am also a buddhist for a long time who had dedicated my life to the practice of Dharma. I like to philosophise about dharma. recently my doubts have been solidifyng into what to me at least is a profound realisation that something may well be deeply amis within Buddhism. i would like to discuss this.
  • edited March 2010
    You think you know everything about rebirth.

    I only know it is delusion. It has no evidence. It is no differnt from santa or heaven. That is what a delusion is.
    fivebells wrote: »
    This question reflects the very ignorance you practice.

    Do you not see how lame that is? You're just saying "practice more" its arrogant, patronising and entirely obvious to anyone willing to step out of the mire that you just dont have an answer. Because there is none.

    All you have is the desperate hope of a desperate clining illsuonary ego.

    Of course you want to belive in rebirth!

    So do I!

    Wouldn't it be great!

    But that doesnt make it real...

    This craving is the root of the is the human condition, of suffeing. Look into the mirror of dharma before you call me a fool.

    This is a disussion forum.

    I am not going to stop the discussing redbirth to protect your illusionary egos deluded clinging to the wholly unjustified hope that there is more to life than this.
  • skydancerskydancer Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    Yes, though not very well. I prefer chanting, but will keep trying with med as I have been.

    I am a life-long philospopher who loves to philosophise, it is what I am, what I do. I am also a buddhist for a long time who had dedicated my life to the practice of Dharma. I like to philosophise about dharma. recently my doubts have been solidifyng into what to me at least is a profound realisation that something may well be deeply amis within Buddhism. i would like to discuss this.[/quote]

    Then why not get to the point? That would be a worthwhile conversation.

    I remember going through a period of doubt many years ago, and I turned to my Buddhist teacher at the time, Ruth Denison and asked her about it and she said, "I cannot help you. I have never had any doubt about the dharma."

    It impressed me greatly.

    What has happened in your experience Mat? It should be that something shook you to your foundation and that you are closer than you realize to resolving your doubt.

    You say you like to chant. What do you chant? What does the chanting do for you that meditation does not?

  • NiosNios Veteran
    edited March 2010
    At the bottom of great doubt lies great awakening. If you doubt fully, you will awaken fully

  • edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    Of course you want to belive in rebirth!

    So do I!

    Wouldn't it be great!

    Obviously the buddhists who do believe in rebirth don't think it's great, otherwise they wouldn't be trying to get out of it.
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    You're just saying "practice more..."

    Of course you want to belive in rebirth!
    Jeez, Mat. Read for comprehension. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about when I say you don't want a discussion, you just want to be heard yourself. You clearly haven't understood a word I said in that post.
  • edited March 2010
    sky dancer wrote: »

    Then why not get to the point? That would be a worthwhile conversation.

    I am glad you agree! :)

    My point is that I think that the buha realsied that rebirth is a delusion, that this is the very start of the path (rebirth rather than self-mortifiation) and that over the millenia the Hindu idea of rebirth has crept back into the doctrine.

    What do you think about that idea sky?

    I remember going through a period of doubt many years ago, and I turned to my Buddhist teacher at the time, Ruth Denison and asked her about it and she said, "I cannot help you. I have never had any doubt about the dharma."

    I agree!:) My whole point is I cannot doubt dharma! I am saying, my entire thesis, is that rebirth is not a dharmic notion but cultural contamination:)
    What has happened in your experience Mat? It should be that something shook you to your foundation and that you are closer than you realize to resolving your doubt.

    I dont understand the relevance. This isnt about me it about dharma.

    You say you like to chant. What do you chant? What does the chanting do for you that meditation does not?

    the diamoku, but again, can we keep this off the individuals and to the dharma:)

  • edited March 2010
    fivebells wrote: »
    Jeez, Mat. Read for comprehension. This is the kind of thing I'm talking about when I say you don't want a discussion, you just want to be heard yourself. You clearly haven't understood a word I said in that post.

    Your right, I haven't a clue what allows you to cling so tight to rebirth and I dont want to discuss with you. Too much dukka delusion and time waste for the both of us.
  • edited March 2010
    Also MatSalted I think you often say rebirth is delusion. I think from reading you, you mean rebirth as transmigration of something? However you find logic in the sense of rebirth as the physical and mental attributes from one person to another. But in reality there is no "one person" it is the karma flowing from thought moment to thought moment?

    Am I right in this? Or have I misunderstood you.
  • skydancerskydancer Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    I am glad you agree! :)

    My point is that I think that the buha realsied that rebirth is a delusion, that this is the very start of the path (rebirth rather than self-mortifiation) and that over the millenia the Hindu idea of rebirth has crept back into the doctrine.

    What do you think about that idea sky?

    I agree!:) My whole point is I cannot doubt dharma! I am saying, my entire thesis, is that rebirth is not a dharmic notion but cultural contamination:)

    I dont understand the relevance. This isnt about me it about dharma.

    the diamoku, but again, can we keep this off the individuals and to the dharma:)

    I think the Buddha isn't around to ask. And Buddha is much more than the historical man, Shakamuni.

    I think your posts are about you, Mat. I got interested when you told me you had some doubts about the dharma, now you seem to be backsliding from that position.

    What relevance does this discussion of rebirth have to your practice of meditation or mine?

    For me, it is relevant because I pray to have precious human rebirth again in my next life.

    Thanks for answering my questions about your practice directly. It helps me understand more where you're coming from. I know very little about Nicheren Buddhism. Why don't you start a thread on it?
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    Your right, I haven't a clue what allows you to cling so tight to rebirth and I dont want to discuss with you. Too much dukka delusion and time waste for the both of us.
    See? You're not paying attention to what the people you're supposedly trying to converse with are saying. You think censorship is appalling? What you're doing by ignoring your respondents is the personal equivalent of that. "This is too painful for me to read, so I'm going to pretend I haven't." Absolutely contemptible...

    Which part of "I don't accept the conventional rebirth doctrine..." was unclear to you?
  • edited March 2010
    tony67 wrote: »
    Also MatSalted I think you often say rebirth is delusion. I think from reading you, you mean rebirth as transmigration of something?

    Yes, whatever way you look at it, the idea that there is in any sense an "afterlife" is delusional.

    It is the illusionary ego clinging to the idea that there is more to life than this.
    However you find logic in the sense of rebirth as the physical and mental attributes from one person to another.

    If you mean the metaphorical senses that something is reborn from one moment to the next. I understand that metaphore but importantly:

    I don't think that is what the Buddha could have meant because there is no need for the metaphor, that role is perfectly captured by annica and anataman:)

    So I would say that rebirth in all senses is not a Dharmic concept, even the metaphorical:)

    What do you think?:)

  • skydancerskydancer Veteran
    edited March 2010
    Some may find these essays relevant to the discussion:
  • edited March 2010
    sky dancer wrote: »
    Some may find these essays relevant to the discussion:

    Will you answer my question above sky, I was courteous to answer yours:)

    I am reading that essay now:)
  • skydancerskydancer Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    Will you answer my question above sky, I was courteous to answer yours:)

    I am reading that essay now:)
    I'm not going to argue with you about rebirth, Mat. It's ok by me that you think it's hogwash.

    I find teachings on rebirth to be skillful means.
  • ValtielValtiel Veteran
    edited March 2010
    Your right, I haven't a clue what allows you to cling so tight to rebirth and I dont want to discuss with you. Too much dukka delusion and time waste for the both of us.

    Either this post was overlooked along with all the other times fivevbells made his position on the literal, conventional rebirth doctrine clear, or else this Thread has become a perfect example of the willful ignorance fivebells just mentioned:
    fivebells wrote: »
    This question reflects the very ignorance you practice. You think you know everything about rebirth. Fine. But people have pointed out -- over and over again -- that your reasoning about the matter is unconvincing, merely a series of unsupported assertions reinterpreting the 4NT. I pointed this out to you when you first showed up, and I ought to be part your most receptive audience, because I don't accept the conventional rebirth doctrine. And the thread you're complaining about was shut down precisely because you won't give a convincing argument. And you won't acknowledge this, instead you retreat into rhetoric and logical fallacies. I know there is no more convincing argument to give. I know the arguments for rebirth are no more convincing.
  • skydancerskydancer Veteran
    edited March 2010
    Rebirth and karma are the Buddhist beliefs that Westerners find hardest to accept. Yet are they really so foreign to us? If we look at our own experience, we find that thoughts, emotions, and self-images are continually arising, ending, and being reborn. We see that the seeds we plant in our consciousness in one moment will determine what we experience in the next. This is also what we experience as we go from lifetime to lifetime. Therefore, says Tulku Thondup Rinpoche, we should be concerned above all else with creating positive karma to lay the ground for our future enlightenment.
  • skydancerskydancer Veteran
    edited March 2010
    The Lankavatara Sutra says:

    "There are six realms of transmigration where beings take birth.
    They are the realms of gods, demigods, humans, animals, hungry ghosts, and hell.
    You take birth in those realms because of superior, middling, and evil karmas."
  • edited March 2010
    sky dancer wrote: »
    Some may find these essays relevant to the discussion:

    Sorry skydance evidence like that for rebirth convinces me more against the concept of rebirth as transmigration. If something like that was presented as a scientific paper it wouldn't get past the first state of peer review. Presenting hearsay and de ja vu as evidence?
    It's only evidence is the source from sutras. Which we must accept as being heard right and interpreted correctly.
  • edited March 2010
    sky dancer wrote: »
    I'm not going to argue with you about rebirth, Mat. It's ok by me that you think it's hogwash.

    I find teachings on rebirth to be skillful means.

    You and I have been here more than once (And I don't mean that in the samsaric sense! :) )

    But understand, if you start talking to me about rebirth, as you have a want to do, I will not sweeten any pills, nor would I want you to with me.

    This is a discussion forum and I am here to discuss.

    Meta mat
  • skydancerskydancer Veteran
    edited March 2010
    How to present views about rebirth without arguing about it and causing schisms? That's a question I haven't resolved yet.
  • edited March 2010
    Either this post was overlooked along with all the other times fivevbells made his position on the literal, conventional rebirth doctrine clear, or else this Thread has become a perfect example of the willful ignorance fivebells just mentioned:



    Please can you spell it out what I am missing. I answer countless threads here daily so I know I miss much.

    And as an asside, what do you think about the idea that Rebirth is a delusion and the buddha taught this?

  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited March 2010
    sky dancer wrote: »
    How to present views about rebirth without arguing about it and causing schisms? That's a question I haven't resolved yet.
    The trick is that views on literal rebirth are completely irrelevant to the practice. You would practice the same way whether it's true or false, so there is no need to talk about it.
  • fivebellsfivebells Veteran
    edited March 2010
    MatSalted wrote: »
    Please can you spell it out what I am missing.
    How about the link to the thread where I patiently demolish arguments put forward by a proponent of rebirth? The link has appeared in this thread three times, now, along with the text "I don't accept the conventional rebirth doctrine." Again, which part of this is unclear to you?
  • NamelessRiverNamelessRiver Veteran
    edited March 2010
    How to present views about rebirth without arguing about it and causing schisms? That's a question I haven't resolved yet.

    Using a mediator I guess. That doesn't mean it will work, but he works as a facilitator. It is an interesting idea: a moderator to enforce the rules and forum mediators to help solve the conflicts. How about that?
  • edited March 2010
    sky dancer wrote: »
    How to present views about rebirth without arguing about it and causing schisms? That's a question I haven't resolved yet.

    Ask yourself this question, if you stood sure and declared that this was your last life, how would it effect your dharma practice?
This discussion has been closed.