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Does Buddhsm say celibacy is better than sex?
I don't hope to spin it. When that comes across to me, it sounds more like moderation of objective ownership. In the 'measure' of life, owning a bed, a chair, not faultfinding, not hurting all seem to point toward this idea of moderation.
Well Matt, without all that BS you have to deal with when you deal with a romantic relationship you get more peace O mind and space for practice. For ex. I have a friend who cannot attend a meditation retreat because she doesn't want to leave her husband for 10 days and her husband is not into meditation. Even if she finally made it to a retreat I don't think she will be settled to do it with all the extra commitments
Bullshit huh? I guess it really depends on the relationship. Co-dependent relationships are so full of neediness and "forced resonance" that people's growth becomes stunted. I think if both people are looking out at a similar world then the relationship can be quite invigorating.
You must use whatever methods you think best. However I speak from personal experience and observation and from the practice of Dharma , not from pessimism.