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As some of you know I'm trying to write a book and I'm considering the hard choice of scrapping my book (I did it once before) and I seem to be getting closer and closer to a better, more mature tale each time. The new one I'm thinking of will have a distantly related story-line and similar characters, but fewer, so it's not quite so chaotic. The thing is I'm reading tips on the internet from a sucessful American author. And she started talking about all editors and agents and all the publishing details and it just went way over my head. Is there anyone here with a published book that can explain the process of what you do when you've finally completed a book? Thanks
All the best,
sorry... hehehehe.... i don't know. the publishing industry, to me seems like a huge labyrinth/castle which isn't worth climbing and going through all the hoops.... it's a bureacratic fortress as much as i know.. i think it's best if you really want to try to look over the author's tips... getting an agent is necessary if you insist on trying to get published. self-publishing is also another option that you can try
not 'vanish publishing'
Looks- No
Sports- No
Musical talent- Barely average
Talent at all- Nothing special
Intelligence- Above average in some things but nothing out of the ordinary
Bravery- No, no, no
I don't know how I'd get my face out there, I thought a book written by a 12 year old would be enough! The youngest author I've heard of was a 15 year old who wrote a poetry book and went to my school
All the best,
All the best,
If you've ever seen Star Trek: The Next Generation, he played Wesley Crusher, the much-hated teen save-the-Enterprise-every-other-episode character. I actually had a crush on him when I was younger Anyway, he's grown a lot since then and has gotten into writing. Perhaps something there will help you out?
Not sure if spam bothers others but I'd prefer not to see it here, my oasis away from such irritants... Most sites I have been on frown upon it...
Perhaps we have a spambot within our midst...
[Forum spambots
Forum spambots surf the web, looking for guestbooks, wikis, blogs, forums and any other web forms to submit spam links to the web forms it finds. These spambots often use OCR technology to bypass CAPTCHAs present. Some spam messages are targeted towards readers and can involve techniques of target marketing or even phishing, making it hard to tell real posts from the bot generated ones. Not all of the spam posts are meant for the readers; some spam messages are simply hyperlinks intended to boost search engine ranking.
This category of spambots has gained considerable notoriety since November 2006, with the introduction of XRumer, a forum and wiki spambot which can often bypass many of the safeguards administrators use to reduce the amount of spam posted.[1]
One way to prevent spambots from posting on forums, wiki, guestbook, etc. is to enable e-mail activation by installing a mail server on the host (eg: Sendmail, Postfix, Exim.), since most spambot scripts use fake or randomly generated names on real e-mail providers, the e-mails will mostly never be successfully routed to them, although this has eventually been circumvented, since it is of trivial matter for spammers to automatically register an email address and use it for validation, mostly via webmail services. Using methods such as security questions[2] are also proven to be effective in curbing posts] generated by spambots, as they are usually unable to answer it upon registering.]
All the best
Do like that lady did who wrote the Harry Potter books. Print out a few and see where that leads you. I think she printed ooo...not sure maybe 50 and set them in the childrens section of a few friendly bookstores in her area. Then BLAM they took off. So the Bookstores had to call her and tell her they needed like 500 more then called again and it just kept going up and up. Good luck honey. Writing books takes a lot of mental effort and dedication. (something I am sorely lacking at the moment). heh heh. So why not go ahead finish the book and take a chance. Do you have a full time job...cause that eases a lot of the strain of money worries. You will have to be mindful of the taxes though. Like whatever you sell remember Uncle Sam. If you sell enough of them like 5000 or so he will be a consideration so keep accurate records and always count him in. Gosh good luck honey.
It's a fairytale with very big twist
All the best