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Where do the "titles" under the screen name come from?
I think they are very amusing and so I'm curious where\how the "title" under one's screen name gets defined, changed.
for instance mine now simply says Member, others say Lama's Boy, Seeker etc...
I assume they are based on the number of posts but is there a list of them and the number of posts that I can read for amusement?
Can a member of the forum change the title and make it permanent?
I find most of them quite funny
Click on the tab user cp above
Then on the left, under Your Profile, click on Edit your details
Next go down to Custom User Title and do your thing
There's also room below under Additional Information to put in more, in the Location box
I like "not yet dismembered member" for a custom user title. But then, maybe not.
fautedemieux (for lack of something better)
Thanks for the prompt response Nirvana, I was looking at my settings by looking at the details in my name not via the CP itself so I missed the long list of options.
I'm still curious at the default values as I'm sure they are just as amusing as the custom ones.
And please don't get dismembered... it would get quite messy
All following the teachings of the Buddha through the writings and teachings of the Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh.