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  • edited October 2010
    Ha ha ! Nope, false.

    The person below me thinks they're a cabbage

  • HondenHonden Dallas, TX Veteran
    edited October 2010

    The person below me is listening to music.
  • edited October 2010
    True! Even if there's no speakers around, my brain sometimes will supply its own...

    The person below me goes out of their way to relocate millipedes, mice, ants or huge fricken hairy-as tarantulas, as they do not wish to cause them harm.
  • Invincible_summerInvincible_summer Heavy Metal Dhamma We(s)t coast, Canada Veteran
    edited October 2010
    False. I am terrified of spiders and centipedes. Never encountered a mouse or millipede in my house though.

    The person below me read a book today.
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited October 2010
    True ... an autobiography "Choose Love " by Debra.

    The person below me wears lycra when riding cycling.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    False LOL

    The person below me once went outside in their mother's/partners high heels.
  • edited October 2010

    The Person Below me is here after a long time.. :)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010

    The person below me is "special"
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2010
    False, have never actually tried ice skating before, but seeing as I was a skateboarder for over 5 years I expect I have some innate balance which would give me a head start :P

    The person below me has sneezed on somebody

    ..... :S:S:S waaaaaa!? When I posted this there question above me was the ice skating Q

    I am not special, and I am special, I am also nobody and everybody
  • edited October 2010 least not that I remember! :)

    The person below me believes in fairies.

  • edited October 2010
    False....but I did once

    The person below me loves photography
  • zider_redzider_red Explorer
    edited October 2010

    The person below me prefers rice to naan with a curry
  • HondenHonden Dallas, TX Veteran
    edited October 2010
    True, as I've never had naan with curry.

    the person below me is a perfectionist that has to fix the grammar of others such as their lack of caps or punctuations
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Honden wrote: »
    True, as I've never had naan with curry.

    the person below me is a perfectionist that has to fix the grammar of others such as their lack of caps or punctuations
    False, as long as I can understand what message you are trying to convey I don't much care.

    The person below me isn't wearing any underwear. :lol:
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    False, have never actually tried ice skating before, but seeing as I was a skateboarder for over 5 years I expect I have some innate balance which would give me a head start :P

    The person below me has sneezed on somebody

    ..... :S:S:S waaaaaa!? When I posted this there question above me was the ice skating Q

    I am not special, and I am special, I am also nobody and everybody

    Ah, I get it, so you're not special as in important, but have certain problems. I always thought as such...
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Zayl wrote: »
    False, as long as I can understand what message you are trying to convey I don't much care.

    The person below me isn't wearing any underwear. :lol:

    False (BTW Honden, whenever my friends show me their work before they can even blink I'm working away at spelling corrections, sentence changing and word adding or deleting. But that's just me).

    The person below me has a little brown mark on the back of their pants.
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2010
    hahahahahahahaha, seriously on one of my CK boxers I do, well it is on the front. However, I handwash my clothes and it is from where I have hand washed them with a pair of shorts I have which happens to have pockets with metallic buttons which are rusting, the rust got onto these white boxers and there you have it! It looks so much like something else, but it is merely iron oxygenated if I am not wrong...

    The person below me has been so drunk they have fallen asleep in their own vomit
  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Ah, I get it, so you're not special as in important, but have certain problems. I always thought as such... <!-- / message --> <!-- sig --> __________________

    lol nope, everybody is special and unique, but then there is actually nobody, there is no you or me or I!!
  • edited October 2010
    The person below me has been so drunk they have fallen asleep in their own vomit


    The person below me likes chip sandwiches

  • ThailandTomThailandTom Veteran
    edited October 2010
    TRUE, well I do not know if you refer to USA chips, which in England are crisps, or Eglish chips which are fries.. Well I am sure you cannot get proper English chips in many places in USA, but both are great between bread :)

    The person below me has a degree
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    lol nope, everybody is special and unique, but then there is actually nobody, there is no you or me or I!!

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    hahahahahahahaha, seriously on one of my CK boxers I do, well it is on the front. However, I handwash my clothes and it is from where I have hand washed them with a pair of shorts I have which happens to have pockets with metallic buttons which are rusting, the rust got onto these white boxers and there you have it! It looks so much like something else, but it is merely iron oxygenated if I am not wrong...

    The person below me has been so drunk they have fallen asleep in their own vomit

    Yeah, we believe that one :hrm:
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    TRUE, well I do not know if you refer to USA chips, which in England are crisps, or Eglish chips which are fries.. Well I am sure you cannot get proper English chips in many places in USA, but both are great between bread :)

    The person below me has a degree
    In craziness SushiEarrings.jpg
  • ChrysalidChrysalid Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Jellybean didn't give a thingymagig, so I'll go from the last one. (the fish on his left ear don't look very well :crazy:)
    The person below me has a degree

    The person below me thinks Betty Rubble was hotter than Wilma Flintstone.
  • HondenHonden Dallas, TX Veteran
    edited October 2010 heads are hot. :D

    The person below me is a red head!!
  • KundoKundo Sydney, Australia Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Honden wrote: » heads are hot. :D

    The person below me is a red head!!


    And yes red heads are H A W T :P

    (modest much?)

    The person below me is bored at work.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010

    And yes red heads are H A W T :P

    (modest much?)

    The person below me is bored at work.

    My dad is ex-red (now grey)! But I'm not a red head. I'm a brown crown.
    And I don't go to work, I might get bored in school though...

    The person below me is delicious, miaow :p
  • ChrysalidChrysalid Veteran
    edited October 2010
    LoveNPeace wrote: »
    The person below me is delicious, miaow :p
    Only on toast.

    The person below me has a set of bellows below them.
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Chrysalid wrote: »
    Only on toast.

    The person below me has a set of bellows below them.

    Like, blacksmith bellows?

    Sorry no, I have a chair below me ;)

    The person below me likes to sing in the shower.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Zayl wrote: »
    Like, blacksmith bellows?

    Sorry no, I have a chair below me ;)

    The person below me likes to sing in the shower.

    False, although I did once on holiday- it's hot then it's cold, it's on then it's off, it's strong then it's soft, it's right then it's wrong. It's a b**ch, and I know. We fight I break it, It gives a hiss we make up, la la la la lahh la la la la lahhh

    The person below me is AAAWWWWSSSSOOMMEE!!!
  • edited October 2010 so humble :p

    The person below me has fallen asleep while meditating.
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited October 2010

    The person below me can fold more than three different paper air planes.
  • ZaylZayl Veteran
    edited October 2010

    The person below me smells like apples.
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited October 2010
    False ( more likely vanilla as wearing vanilla oil today )

    The person below me donates blood.
  • edited October 2010

    The person below me wears pink socks at weekends.

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Sometimes- I do own a pair of pink-toed and heeled socks :D

    The person below me owned a bunny wabbit that went feral and now lives in the field next to them.
  • JeffreyJeffrey Veteran
    edited October 2010
    False, no bunny love.... But that does look like the hat I wear when I come up with ideas for new strangebrew; I wish

    The person below me keeps a notebook with a hodge podge of all kinds of things they write down. Poems, ideas, phone numbers and practical information, dreams, sketches, notes on things, recipes, etc....
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Jeffrey wrote: »
    False, no bunny love.... But that does look like the hat I wear when I come up with ideas for new strangebrew; I wish

    The person below me keeps a notebook with a hodge podge of all kinds of things they write down. Poems, ideas, phone numbers and practical information, dreams, sketches, notes on things, recipes, etc....

    No, but I'd like one (my friend's neighbour has a feral bunny by the way :D)

    The person below me has done a naked funky chicken in the middle of their local supermarket.
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited October 2010
    False ... not that I can recall, and reckon I would remember that :eek:

    The person below me can do a forward somersault on a trampoline
  • edited October 2010
    False - always avoided the trampoline option at school.

    The person below me likes sparkly nail extensions

  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Sparkly- Oh, you mean Slag Claw Extensions, definitely false. *puke* :p

    The person below me once spent a night in a mental hospital.
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited October 2010
    True ... many nights working.

    The person below me prefers apples to oranges.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010

    The person below me is having soup for breakfast
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited October 2010
    False .... having pumpkin minestrone for dinner tonight though ( nearly 6.00pm here in Aussieland - and dinner is generally the evening meal for you northern hemisphere folk who tend to have supper ).

    The person below me can play guitar hero on hard or higher ( and I am impressed !!! - lol )
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010
    False (PS, it's 8:30AM here!)

    the person below me is going on a holiday to China
  • edited October 2010

    The person below me enjoys singing along with The Go-Go's song, "Vacation."
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited October 2010

    The person below me likes arthouse films.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited October 2010

    The person below me knows Lady Gaga's Bad Romance off by heart
  • edited October 2010

    The person below me sometimes catches him/herself singing "I Feel Pretty" from "West Side Story."
  • andyrobynandyrobyn Veteran
    edited October 2010
    Oh yeah ... true ( a production is on here again soon and would love to go - " gonna wash that man right outta my hair " - lol ) - oops - think that may be from South Pacific.

    The below person me doesn't like to answer questions about themselves :p
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