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Maitreya the Antichrist?



  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited August 2010
    Really? How stupid :-/
  • edited August 2010
    Agreed. For all their talk of honesty, most Christian missionaries I have met here are opportunistic liars who will say anything deceptive to lure unsuspecting people. Sadly, although Thailand is a "Buddhist country", many people seem to be ignorant of even the most basic Buddhist teachings. Which makes them easy marks for false religions and deceptive teachers.
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited August 2010
    Now it's a bit close-minded to call religions "false".
    I don't like it when religions go preaching however :-/
  • edited August 2010
    Of course, all religions have some truth to them. But Buddha only preached 1 Dharma, not 100, or even 2 or 3. I think that any religion that tries to lead people away from the truth of Dharma can be classified as "false". If Dharma is true, then logically, whatever is contrary to Dharma can be considered false. Is that "close-minded"? Well, perhaps. I realize that in this era of political correctness we are supposed to accept everybody and every view as equally valid and true. Now, I am not against tolerance of other beliefs (quite the opposite), but that doesn't mean that I cannot look at something and say "that's not true", or "I don't believe that." (because to me it is false.) Just like medicine vs. poison. Is it close-minded for me to reject rat poison as a cure for my ailments? Am I being close minded and judgemental? Absolutely. Buddhist practice and the Dharma give us wisdom (that is a result of Buddhist practice) to discern truth from falsehood. Early Hindus believed in the concept of "Atman" (an eternal soul), which Buddhism rejected (Anatta). Are Buddhists close-minded? Perhaps we should also accept Atman. Anyway, sorry to post so directly, but I feel very strongly on this matter.
    Peace and happiness for you,
    Sun Lotus (^_^)
  • Love-N-PeaceLove-N-Peace Veteran
    edited August 2010
    I believe Wicca too so I can't say I fully agree with you, but each to their own :)
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