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Just because you can doesn't mean you should...

MountainsMountains Veteran
edited December 2010 in General Banter
Okay, imagine you're a PhD teaching a class in the medical field. You have a strong personal interest in fine art, which you incorporate now and then into your lecture Powerpoint presentations just to spice them up. That's cool.

But then you write an exam question, that counts the same as every other question on the exam, asking the name of the painter who painted a piece that was in your powerpoint. The subject of the painting has nothing whatsoever in any way, shape, form, or fashion to do with the medical field.

So how, just exactly, is that fair?

Not that it matters, as I still got a 97% on the exam and an A in the course, but still, that seems kind of silly to me, doesn't it to you??



  • That's silly, but you've got to play by the course coordinator's rules. I've learned that the hard way.
  • The really silly thing is, if there's no way to complain or at least evaluate the teacher..
  • Normally there are ways to complain, but you need to go through bureaucratic loopholes.
  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Sometimes thinking outside the box is the best sort of education.
  • I agree that thinking outside the box is sometimes good, but I think this particular example is just silly. The bad part is, I really love this teacher. He's brilliant, he's a good teacher (traits that don't often go together), and he really makes the material interesting. I just wasn't expecting to see questions totally unrelated to the subject matter that I've paid tuition money to be taught on the exam. As I say, it doesn't matter, as I got a 97% on the test anyway, but it's the principle.

    I've learned through bitter, bitter experience that there are times when you pick a fight, and there are times when you don't. This is definitely one of the latter times for me :) My goal is to keep my head down, keep my mouth shut, and forge ahead with all deliberate speed to get through this very difficult program having made as few ripples on anyone's radar as possible :)
  • I've been in your position and here I am at the end of my program and I wish someone would have made a ripple earlier.. ho hum.. but

    I've recently approached a situation with a generally curious demeanor and was able to avoid bad political image at the school I attend.

    Asking "Why" with a kind heart seems to fix many problems :D
  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Well, I don't have a "plan B", and my chosen career field is a very small community, so word gets around pretty quickly. I think keeping my head down and my mouth shut is the wisest course of action (or inaction in this case) :)
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Oh cool down! This is hardly a good cop/bad cop scenario. The guy was just trying to teach you to appreciate details along the way and to think outside your usual "scientific" box.

    Now the bad cop does what he can just because he can as a matter of wielding power over people. This is not what happened in this case. I'd say your teacher played the part of the "good cop," who walks a little different beat than most. You would begrudge the man three lousy points? Man, I've had teachers who came right out and declared they NEVER gave perfect scores.

    Do you really expect a real master to massage your ego by playing by standards or rules that you hold dear? Please don't! A real master makes his own rules. The fact that they make no sense to you is completely irrelevant, as the teacher's idiosyncrasies did you no harm. In fact, it's not even clear that the teacher would have counted these three points against a person who would be harmed were they counted against him.

  • MountainsMountains Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Not sure what "cool down" means. Am I hot? I hardly see a "good cop, bad cop" situation. I was just making some observations, that's all. I'm a long way from "hot". Not sure what you read into what I wrote my friend...

    It did me no harm (as I noted in my OP). That's not to say that those points might not have made all the difference to another student though. And regardless, I don't see how it's very fair to ask about a painter who's been dead for 350 years in a class having to do with anesthesia.
  • Okay, imagine you're a PhD teaching a class in the medical field. You have a strong personal interest in fine art, which you incorporate now and then into your lecture Powerpoint presentations just to spice them up. That's cool.

    But then you write an exam question, that counts the same as every other question on the exam, asking the name of the painter who painted a piece that was in your powerpoint. The subject of the painting has nothing whatsoever in any way, shape, form, or fashion to do with the medical field.

    Not that it matters, as I still got a 97% on the exam and an A in the course, but still, that seems kind of silly to me, doesn't it to you??

    My girlfriend's Physiology teacher does the same thing... what is it with medical professors? He is an amateur photographer and his first slide is always a picture of a golfcourse (they all look identical). He has you explain, in detail, what his picture was of on his tests... Just roll with it and congrats on the 97% A.
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Just quit whining about stuff like that. Again I say, be cool.

    "Just because you can doesn't mean you should" certainly suggests a common reaction to a bad cop mentality to me.

    Cops can penalize you and cause you unfair harm and major inconvenience. Or perhaps you've never driven a motor vehicle? I've encountered motoring cops jiggling keys, wallet, and cellphone, carelessly driving. On one occasion a police captain in an unmarked car nearly crashed into me. I looked over with alarm or disbelief and he apparently didn't like my expression. I got a trumped-up four-point failure-to-yield-right-of-way ticket, even though I did no such thing. I'm not whining. I studied the Philadelphia Police Department in College and I know some few things.

    To my mind, it's a matter of whether someone is being punitive or not —of being just or unjust. What some people call fair or unfair is hogwash in my book. No kidding, most people have childish ideas of justice, namely giving everybody the same thing and treating everybody the same. That would just be equally dividing things out into portions as identical as possible; i.e. processing and packaging.

    Justice is to give people what they deserve not what they want. All this talk of things being unfair is childish. The whole world is unfair. Justice is the human enterprise par excellence, and is something that has to be worked out with blood, sweat, and tears. It is not a given.

    For instance, if physicians and nurses were to give every patient the exact same amount of time and care, the sick and injured would probably all die. Some people deserve more care at certain times than others, and those who are well do not deserve the same level of care as the gravely ill. To give them such at the expense of the ill would surely be unjust. However, it is arguably unfair that all those in hospitals do not receive equal treatment.

    For my part, I rather admire the blood, sweat, and tears these health professionals put into their work.
  • Not that it matters, as I still got a 97% on the exam and an A in the course, but still, that seems kind of silly to me, doesn't it to you??
    Maintaining human health is an extremely complex endeavor where observation of details which don't seem to relate can be hugely useful. Check out the life of Joseph Bell, a physician who's life was the inspiration for the character Sherlock Holmes.
  • Just quit whining about stuff like that.
    Well gee gosh, I'm so sorry my post got you so upset. You are 100% free not to read it and if you do, not to post snarky, inappropriate comments.

  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Snarky and inappropriate? Hmmm.

    Disappointments lead to petulance, which leads to whining.

    To broach a subject and demand only sympathetic responses is unrealistic and seems like whining to me, especially when the argument is about getting things 100% of the way one wants them.
  • Chilax guys, why are you getting each others backs up?
  • NirvanaNirvana aka BUBBA   `     `   South Carolina, USA Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Don't know what Chilax means. But I do know what "fair" means and believe that it has nothing at all to do with getting one's way all the time.

    With all the bad things happening in the world every day, I think we need to teach our children that always getting the top grade is a selfish pursuit and will not help them along their spiritual paths.

    No one, @Chrysalid, is getting me to get my back up. I just calls 'em as I sees 'em sometimes. I'll quite often stick up for the teacher over the comparatively more self-seeking student.

    I thought this was a Buddhist forum and that part of what we did here was to try to stress the importance of letting go of things we clutch too dearly. Sometimes these "things" are just simple ideas about how silly or improper the practices of others are.

    I have not made any ad hominem attacks on this thread and am astounded to be accused of being "snarky" (whatever that means) and of making inappropriate comments.

    The prosecution will now attempt to rest.

  • Regarding fivebells comment, just some humour my dad said my recent failed batch of beer might be the next penicillin (mold observable).

    I think its an opportunity to practice mindfulness. You can't get em all, well you can, but it would be interesting to find out why the painting was relevant to the professor. And an opportunity to sit with confusion if the professor is cryptic. Though perhaps it was a painting of a historical person or patron.
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran

    I'm just surprised you don't know what 'snarky' means. :hiding:
  • BonsaiDougBonsaiDoug Simply, on the path. Veteran
    I do no what "fair" means and believe that it has nothing at all to do getting one's way all the time.
    I do understand the frustration of the OP. Had an English Lit professor in college who would do the same with baseball questions. "How many stitches in a National League baseball?" made it into our senior year final exam.

    But down deep I believe we all know life often times is simply not "fair."
  • ...As I say, it doesn't matter, as I got a 97% on the test anyway...
    Let it alone then.
    ... but it's the principle...
    Who's principle?


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