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How Many People Did YOU Feed Today?

MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
edited December 2010 in General Banter

I just donated 700 grains of rice. :P

Its a charity site where, if you answer a simple question correctly (In subjects such as English, Math, Science, etc) Freerice donates 10 grains of rice. How epic is that? I'm sure all of us here, considering we feel obligated to do good in the world, would appreciate such a site. Why don't you go on for a minute or two, perhaps feed a child for a day. :P



  • genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
    Mine was 1970.
  • I didn't know what "nosh" meant. So I only fed 1190.
  • gaff in turns out, is a curved or barbed fishing spear or something. Gave 770 or 77 right.
  • Is that rice site legitimate? seems kind of strange.
  • edited December 2010
    Yes it does appear to be. I think they get the money for the rice from ads:
  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    Yes, its legitimate, and has been up quite a few years. They do get their money for the rice via ads, and through that, its a non-profit organization where all the money goes to giving away the rice. :D
  • edited December 2010
    Thats really cool! I had no idea a site like that even existed. I'm going over right now to check it out a little more.

    edit: 710 grains before it froze up for some reason.
  • Thanks for this, that was fun! I got like 1700 or so. :)

    I found this quote thought... "Their group has earned more than 236,390 grains of rice. That means they have helped feed more than 12,441 people for one day!"

    That's like, 19 grains of rice per person. That doesn't make sense to me! Even if it was 190, that's still not very much food.
  • Maybe the numbers are wrong. There's another statement like that where the rice grains per person comes to 19,300 or so. That seems like kind of a lot! Not for a whole day I guess, but to fit in a bowl or something, yikes!
  • Ever see that movie where the house fills with popcorn. They planted popcorn and hit it with a laser from space. If we guess how many what do we get?
  • edited December 2010
    How Many People Did I Feed Today?

    I fed 10 people today. 5 in my family and 5 visitors.

    We didn't have rice, I just ordered some Papa John's pizza. They have a sale going on: $10 for a large pizza with any toppings you want. I ordered 3. I picked them up to save money. Feeding 10 people for 30 bucks is a good deal in the United States.

    Check it out:

    I guess that adds up to tens of thousands of grains of rice in equivalent calories.

  • Thin crust, deep dish, or hand tossed? I hope some of the tip goes to the delivery person, Papa John's franchise deducts part of the tip as a fee so you really paid 12 dollars per pizza. I like thin crust by the way. :)

    Sorry for going off topic. What part of the country are you from and how is the weather? Its peaceful here except the dog bariking.
  • edited December 2010
    Hand Tossed. I usually get thin crust, but there were fat people in the group tonight.

    I didn't order for delivery. I drove there to pick it up, so I don't have to pay anyone extra to deliver it to me. I have to watch what I spend. After 20 years of living rich, I imploded my life recently. Or maybe my enemies did the honors for me. I'm really not sure whose fault it was, really. I did, however, leave a $1 tip to the counter person tonight who walked 4 whole feet to hand me the pizza. Where I came from, someone would have to give you a foot massage for an hour to get a tip like that. Cut your nails and give you a head massage too.

    I am in California, and it's raining here. I was going to attend a Buddhist retreat this weekend, but I cancelled, because I was afraid to drive to a remote area in the mountains with so much rain.
  • Thank you. You helped me not be so afraid of Papa John's pizza. I don't get out much and it is good for me to hear news from the rest of the world. I didn't get the joke about the crust. We have dogs who we used to give crusts, but now we are more stingy. For no reason I am afraid other than they bark and my mom and I don't know how to train dogs.

    It is a bit nippy out a frosty 21 degrees. Go Stanford! I am a fan because they have Harbaugh as coach and I respect them. I like Michigan's coach but unfortunately May only win games by flukes or warm up opponents next year.
  • You're welcome. No need to be afraid of pizza. It can kill you no quicker than any other food can. The comment about the crust was not a joke. By purchasing thick crust pizza, you don't have to purchase more thin crust pizza to feed people that weigh a lot. It's cool that they don't charge $20 for thick crust and $10 for thick crust. This is the way it is in the United States. In many other countries you'ld get charged more because they have to use more dough. Everything is counted. Every grain of rice even.
  • footiamfootiam Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Come to think about it, I just fed myself! Maybe, I should do better than this.
  • Just myself. trying out these awsome seaweed Japanese snacks! Gonna offer some to Amitabha Buddha later on :)
  • Wow, you throw rice at people and you learn new words. "Please try again. Your donation total is 1040 grains of rice." Yes, I think I will, thank you.
  • it is now 1.50pm and 3 people
  • CloudCloud Veteran
    edited December 2010
    Here's a Q&A from the site to help figure out how much you're helping out:
    How much rice does it take to feed a person for a day? How many grains of rice in a gram?

    The composition of UN World Food Programme food basket varies from country to country and region to region, depending upon the eating habits of the people WFP feeds.

    In countries where rice is a staple part of the diet, World Food Programme provides, on average about 400 grams of rice per person, per day (for families, including children and adults). That is intended for two meals that include other ingredients to ensure a minimum of 2,100 kilocalories per day.

    There are about 48 grains of rice in a gram.
    So 400 grams * 48 grains per gram = 19,200 grains earned/donated feeds one person for a day. This seems like a lot, but the questions repeat so you can learn from your mistakes and build up speed along the way (bonuses for # correct in a row I think).
  • Yeesh, kinda forgot all about this for a while...
  • There's also the The Hunger Site where you can do free clicks daily for several causes:
  • DaltheJigsawDaltheJigsaw Mountain View Veteran

    I just donated 700 grains of rice. :P

    Its a charity site where, if you answer a simple question correctly (In subjects such as English, Math, Science, etc) Freerice donates 10 grains of rice. How epic is that? I'm sure all of us here, considering we feel obligated to do good in the world, would appreciate such a site. Why don't you go on for a minute or two, perhaps feed a child for a day. :P

    I love this website!
    I have been spreading it like wild fire.
    Spread it around everyone!
  • if you want to practise buddhism, try feeding some homeless people or down and out friends, all this previous stuff is much to corporate for my taste.
  • I know FreeRice is legit, at least, even though it takes quite a bit of rice; still, if you're sitting at home with nothing more important to do, you can feed people from your computer. Also good if you don't have resources to feed or buy food for the homeless anyway.
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