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snow suits for manatees?

genkakugenkaku Northampton, Mass. U.S.A. Veteran
edited December 2010 in Buddhism Today

"Dec 28, 3:30 PM (ET)
APOLLO BEACH, Fla. (AP) - People aren't the only ones in Florida who don't like cold weather. Manatees - those giant aquatic mammals with the flat, paddle-shaped tails - are swimming out of the chilly Gulf of Mexico waters and into warmer springs and power plant discharge canals. On Tuesday, more than 300 manatees floated in the outflow of Tampa Electric's Big Bend Power Station.

"It's like a warm bathtub for them," said Wendy Anastasiou, an environmental specialist at the power station's manatee viewing center. "They come in here and hang out and loll around.""

Complete story:


  • MindGateMindGate United States Veteran
    edited December 2010

    "They come in here and hang out and loll around."
    They LOL around?
  • It's *amazing* to fly over a power plant in Florida in the winter. I've seen literally hundreds of manatees lolling (yes, LOL, lolling) around near the outflow pipes. I don't know what they did before there were power plants :) They're such cool creatures. Vegetarian, totally harmless, and adorable.

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